CMD Joins Legal Community Call to End Baseless Claims of Election Fraud

By ExposedByCMD Editors | November 24th, 2020 at 4:41 PM (CST)

More than 1,200 lawyers across the country take a stand against the Trump campaign’s dangerous attempt to disenfranchise millions and call for the lawyers making false claims in court to be held accountable.

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Koch Funding of Universities Topped $100 million in 2019

By David Armiak | November 23rd, 2020 at 10:59 AM (CST)

IRS filings obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy show that the Charles Koch Foundation gave $141 million to universities and colleges, right-wing organizations, and other causes in 2019.

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Voters Pass Economic Justice Measures Despite Corporate Opposition

By Alex Kotch | November 19th, 2020 at 11:35 AM (CST)

While House Democrats took a hit in the 2020 elections, voters in several states favored progressive policies.

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Coming Up Short in Hunt for Voter Fraud, Desperate Republicans Try to Pay For Evidence

By Alex Kotch | November 13th, 2020 at 8:03 AM (CST)

After more than a week of frivolous lawsuits attempting to disenfranchise voters, some right-wing groups and an elected official are trying something else: offering cash for evidence of fraud.

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Koch Operation Fights to Keep the GOP Majority in the U.S. Senate

By Don Wiener | November 12th, 2020 at 10:01 AM (CST)

Americans for Prosperity Action, the super PAC of Charles Koch’s political operation, spent millions on digital ads, attack mail, and door-to-door canvassing in seven key U.S. Senate races, and more spending is likely in the two Georgia runoffs, the outcome of which will determine control of the U.S. Senate.

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82% of Koch Candidates Elected to Office

By David Armiak | November 11th, 2020 at 4:46 PM (CST)

Charles Koch and his political network won at least 82 percent of the 439 candidates it invested in in the 2020 election cycle, according to an analysis of results by the Center for Media and Democracy.

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Cities and States Strengthen Clean Energy and Tax Oil in 2020 Ballot Measures

By Alex Kotch | November 11th, 2020 at 11:36 AM (CST)

Voters in Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and California passed ballot initiatives that boost renewables and challenge fossil fuel interests.

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Right-Wing Social Media Influencers Fuel #Maidengate Conspiracy, Plan Saturday Protests

By David Armiak | November 10th, 2020 at 11:39 AM (CST)

The trending Twitter hashtag #MaidenGate has been coopted and promoted by the same right-wing operatives behind the #StoptheSteal protests, a massive misinformation and pressure campaign to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 elections.

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Democracy on the Ballot

By David Armiak | November 9th, 2020 at 7:47 AM (CST)

In addition to electing the next president, voters in a dozen states weighed in on a wide variety of democracy reform ballot measures.

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This Coming Tuesday is GIVING TUESDAY
A Day Dedicated to Bettering Our Communities and Our World

Between the Covid-19 pandemic and the nonstop assaults on our voting rights and freedoms, it has been a tough year for all of us—and for our nation.

But that hasn’t stopped CMD from fighting every day to counter the forces of dark money and disinformation seeking to distort our democracy and block climate progress, racial justice and affordable health care.

So this year, on Giving Tuesday, please help us keep up the fight by giving all you can to support our team of intrepid reporters who are working tirelessly to make our country a more just and equitable place.  Thank you! 

Operatives tied to Council for National Policy Organizing Protests Alleging Voter Fraud

By David Armiak | November 6th, 2020 at 12:01 PM (CST)

#StoptheSteal protests planned for every state capitol tomorrow, while FreedomWorks organizes “Protect the Vote” rallies in five states today.

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Voters Beware: The Right’s Scheme to Disqualify Thousands of Swing-State Votes

By Alex Kotch | November 2nd, 2020 at 3:32 PM (CST)

The GOP, ALEC, and right-wing justices at the Supreme Court are pushing a legal theory that could disqualify hundreds of thousands of votes in states like Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Minnesota that come in after legislative deadlines but before Covid-19 extensions granted by state courts or the executive branch.

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Charles Koch’s Political Network Raises Fears of Voter Fraud While Leaving a Trail of Alleged Election Violations

By Evan Vorpahl | October 30th, 2020 at 12:10 PM (CST)

True North Research has released a new report detailing the Koch network’s history of alleged election violations.

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Right-Wing Catholic Group Spends Millions Attacking Biden, a Catholic, as an Existential Threat

By Alex Kotch | October 30th, 2020 at 12:06 PM (CST)

CatholicVote’s $10 million campaign is targeting churchgoers’ smartphones and lobbing unfounded allegations about the former vice president.

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2020 Koch Candidates Revealed

By David Armiak | October 29th, 2020 at 1:54 PM (CST)

A close examination of campaign finance disclosures by KochPAC, AFP Action, and other data by the Center for Media and Democracy reveals that Koch is supporting at least 435 candidates in 2020.

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Secretive Council for National Policy Closely Tied to Trump

By David Armiak | October 27th, 2020 at 3:23 PM (CST)

Secretive right-wing Christian group’s ties to Trump and GOP go beyond coordinated effort to confirm Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, documents show.

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Net Worth of Wisconsin Billionaires Jumps $11 Billion Since Pandemic

By ExposedByCMD Editors | October 23rd, 2020 at 8:55 AM (CST)

Spike in wealth – led by John Menard, Jr., Herbert Kohler, Jr., and Diane Hendricks – is five times more than Wisconsin’s $2 billion revenue shortfall, according to a new report.

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GOP Politicians and Conservative Groups Set the Stage for Attempted Kidnapping of Michigan Governor

By Alex Kotch | October 21st, 2020 at 3:07 PM (CST)

The billionaire family of Education Sec. Betsy DeVos funded a political group that helped organize anti-lockdown protests, and Trump and other GOP figures stirred the pot by claiming Gov. Whitmer is a tyrant.

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ALEC Board Member Reveals Kansas Partisan Gerrymandering Plan to Donors

By David Armiak | October 15th, 2020 at 2:41 PM (CST)

ALEC board member, Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle, pitches political donors on the need for a GOP supermajority to stack congressional districts for the next decade, while ALEC trains members on the art of gerrymandering.

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CMD Research Cited

“Campus Reform” Is Funneling Koch Money to Groom Right-Wing “Journalists”
Read More>>
Tech platforms continue to let U.S.-based hate groups use them to make payments
NBC News
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How The Super-Rich And Ex-Cons Squeezed Through Loopholes In A COVID-19 ‘Small Business’ Program
Read More>>
The Dark-Money Funded Women’s Group Rallying Behind Amy Coney Barrett
The Intercept
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Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination Is Backed By Dark Money. So Is Her Refusal To Acknowledge Basic Climate Science
Read More>>
Senator accuses Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation of being part of conservative ‘scheme’ in Barrett confirmation hearings
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Read More>>


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