From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Fight antisemitism & hate! On Giving Tuesday, help change the world!
Date November 27, 2020 3:03 PM
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&ldquo;We Don&rsquo;t Feel Safe&rdquo;

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Will you help communities fight back against hate?

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Make Twice the Impact Today

Dear John,

A swastika scrawled on a wall. A racial slur yelled down a hallway.

You and I know these are not victimless acts. These are the seeds of hate that help feed the fear and uncertainty many of us have felt this past year.

It&rsquo;s why you Fight Hate For Good with ADL. And when you
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double your impact this Giving Tuesday with your gift of $50, $75, $100 or more &mdash; thanks to a limited-time matching gift opportunity &mdash; you&rsquo;ll do twice as much to make our children and communities safer.

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Double Your Impact Today

That&rsquo;s what you did at Wilson High School in Portland, Oregon. Students there were subjected to racist and antisemitic remarks and vandalism. They complained to the administration, penning a letter in which they told the school, &ldquo;We don&rsquo;t feel safe.&rdquo; But they still didn&rsquo;t feel heard.

Thanks to supporters like you, they were able to raise their voices even louder.

After being asked to help, ADL held a three-day training at the school. Students learned how to combat bias and bullying as a means to stop the escalation of hate.

&ldquo;I learned how to respond to a bullying situation ... how to go from a bystander to an ally,&rdquo; one student told us.

&ldquo;It was an amazing experience that I&rsquo;ll carry with me for the rest of my life,&rdquo; said another.

And the impact of ADL supporters like you didn&rsquo;t end there. Three more area schools, inspired by Wilson&rsquo;s students, signed up to participate in ADL&rsquo;s No Place For Hate program.

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Do Even More Good

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Double Your Impact Today

I know you agree: wherever there is antisemitism, racism or hate, we must fight. None of us can afford to be bystanders. Because hate spreads, but good does too.

The world may feel chaotic, but your impact is one thing you can feel certain of today. Please,
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Fight Hate For Good right now when your action can spread twice as far.
Fighting Hate Together!

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. After this terribly divisive year, we can&rsquo;t afford to let a single act of hate go unchallenged, and we can&rsquo;t afford to let a single dollar of this matching gift opportunity slip away.

Please, don&rsquo;t wait until Giving Tuesday to take a stand against antisemitism and hate of all kinds. All gifts up to a total of $100,000 will be matched, but they must arrive by Dec. 1.
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Double your impact when you fight hate today!

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Fight Hate For Good

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