Dear Supporter,

Today The Sentry is launching its latest investigative report on South Sudan.

Tune in live at 9am ET to hear from George Clooney, John Prendergast, and members of The Sentry investigative team. Learn more about how companies, financial institutions, and corrupt individuals from all over the world are fueling (and profiting from) armed conflict in South Sudan, and what can be done to stop them.

Join us at 9am ET.

Best wishes,
Brad Brooks-Rubin

Managing Director
Enough Project and The Sentry

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brad Brooks-Rubin, Enough Project
Date: Tue, Sept 17, 2019 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Watch Live: Clooney and Sentry team share breaking investigation

Enough Project

Dear Supporter,

Three years ago, Enough's partner The Sentry published an investigation into the links between mass corruption and armed conflict in South Sudan. Since then, we’ve been doubling down on our efforts to expose kleptocratic regimes and advocate for anti-money laundering and targeted sanctions tools.

This Thursday, September 19 at 9am ET, George Clooney and John Prendergast, the Co-Founders of The Sentry, will join members of the Sentry team at a press conference to announce the findings of our latest investigative report on South Sudan.

Use this link to join us virtually and livestream the press conference:

The Sentry will share policy recommendations in the report that could help provide leverage for peace and ending mass atrocities in South Sudan.

I hope you will tune in on Thursday.


Brad Brooks-Rubin
Managing Director
Enough Project and The Sentry

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