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Dear friend, 

Anything you donate between 1st and 8th December will be DOUBLED! 

The Big Give Christmas Challenge is the UK's biggest match funding appeal, and it starts next week.  

This is a once-a-year opportunity, and with a small team like ours, and limited budget, it really does give us the boost we need to carry on campaigning.   

2020 has been a tough year for everyone, but together we have achieved real change. Thanks to your campaigning, we managed to get millions of dollars’ worth of debt suspended for some of the poorest countries in the world.

But our fight is set to be even bigger in 2021 and through the Big Give you can help us rise to the challenge.

We’ll be sending a reminder on launch day, so keep a look out for that. In the meanwhile, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and well during this tumultuous time. 
Warmest wishes, 

Sarah, Eva and the team at JDC 

P.S - We'd really like to hear your views on how this year has gone, if you haven't already please think about filling in our survey

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Jubilee Debt Campaign
PO Box 965
Worcester, WR4 4JA
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