Urban Institute Update
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Urban Institute Update
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The share of federal spending devoted to kids is dwindling
Investing in kids’ healthy development should be a national priority. But in 2018, federal spending on children younger than 19 decreased from recent years to about $6,200 per child. So how does the federal government spend money on children?
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Introducing the Urban Institute Data Catalog
The Urban Institute’s Data Catalog lets you discover, learn about, and download open data provided by Urban researchers and data scientists. Find open data assets that reflect the breadth of Urban’s expertise through a central, searchable resource.
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Who would lose SNAP benefits under a proposed rule change?
In July, the Trump administration proposed significant changes to some eligibility criteria for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The proposed rule would increase the risk of food insecurity for households with kids, with a senior or disabled member, or with a working member.
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Putting local data to work
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute partnered to award $3 million in grants to 20 organizations that are using local data to promote healthier and more equitable communities. Learn more about their projects and consider how you might dig into the data for your community.
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Webcast: Taxing wealth
Should wealth be taxed? On September 24, watch live as Ian Simmons, coauthor and coorganizer of An Open Letter to the 2020 Presidential Candidates: It’s Time to Tax Us More, and a panel of tax experts explore this and other questions relevant to current proposals.
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Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
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