One Nation’s Mission

In communities right across Australia our members of parliament listen to stories of everyday Aussies who are facing challenging times.

Our leader, Pauline Hanson, stood for election many years ago with a singular purpose in mind; to make Australian communities stronger and better.
More jobs, less crime, cleaner streets and better opportunities for our children.
This is the Australia we once knew and all wish thrived today.

Senator Hanson’s resolve to make Australia a better place street by street, neighbourhood by neighbourhood has not wavered. Her tenacity and forthright approach wins hearts and admiration in equal measure.

Pauline’s qualities are borne from tumultuous experience and fierce challenges, and Australians empathize with her.

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation is set to go street by street and listen to every Australian about what is most important to them. We are well practiced at listening; listening is a quality most talked about when our parliamentarians are mentioned.

The trust and good faith of people can only be earned from the incredible hard work commonly displayed by Australians; our cause will only grow from the work required from the ability to listen, and then to understand, and then to action the needs of Australians in every last square inch of this mighty country.

So if you share this vision and want to lend a helping hand, you might want to consider signing up as a party volunteer.

If you haven’t already, all you have to do is visit:

Together, with your help, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation can make this vision a reality.

Last Chance to Sign Petition Against Predatory Foreign Ownership!

So far over 17,000 Australians have signed One Nation’s petition to stop predatory foreign ownership.

Next week, when parliament resumes, One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson will have the opportunity to table it before the Senate and have it put on the permanent record.

This means if you care about the damage being done to our nation by foreign predation there is still time to sign and spread the word.

If you have already signed there is still time to share the petition with our family and friends.

The more names we collect, the harder it will be to ignore.

So have your say today and let all the politicians in Canberra know that real Aussies believe our great nation is not for sale!


One Nation to Take on the Banks 

A Statement from One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts
"My anti Bail-In Bill, (Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020) is coming up on Monday for a vote.

This bill provides categorical reassurance that the public’s money will be kept safe from bail-in and ensures confidence in the banking system.

We are living in extremely uncertain times with our entire economy under severe duress, now is not the time to risk allowing banks to steal the savings of Australians and the working capital of small and medium sized businesses.

The confusion surrounding the bail-in question is based on the continued assertion that our legislation does not allow a bail-in in when quite clearly it does.

The IMF have confirmed bail-in orders are part of the powers contained in the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and Other Measures) Act 2018.

Even if you still believe that the existing legislation cannot be used to order a bail-in, then supporting this crucial bill will not change APRA’s powers. 

If after your own research you realise that the legislation can be used to order a bail-in, then now is the time to protect our bank deposits and ensure confidence in the banking system.

The Australian Banking Association in their submission noted that if there is any confusion about the law, then the Senate should consider passing this Bail-in bill to clear that up.

My Bail-in legislation will safeguard our deposits and create one of the safest banking systems in the world.

Wish us luck as we attempt to stop the Canberra swamp from following the globalists agenda."
That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

While you're here, we'd love to ask a favour. We are a party with fewer resources than Labor with their union donations and the Liberals with their big corporates, but with your help and by listening to the people, we can achieve real change in parliament for the betterment of the country.

One Nation is run on purely grassroots support. We rely on the contributions of mums, dads, daughters and sons from the top to bottom of Australia to stay running as a party and every dollar counts.

We appreciate times are tough but even a small amount of support makes a difference. Your help enables us to keep up the fight in politics and get Australia back on track.
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