September 19, 2019
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Audubon Afternoon & Silent Auction
Date: Sunday, September 22
Time: 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Location: National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190

Join us as we welcome Leslie Ries and Elise Larson from the Ries Lab of Butterfly Informatics at Georgetown University. Butterflies are one of the most sensitive indicators of climate change. Their flight periods can shift from year to year and location to location based on local temperature profiles. Using data from ASNV citizen science fueled surveys and rearing caterpillars at different temperatures in the lab they build predictive models of butterfly phenology. Data from the silver-spotted skipper and the Baltimore Checkerspot help them determine which species are most likely to respond to shifting weather conditions based on their ecological traits. They also work on Monarch ecology and conservation focusing on the connection between population dynamics across their migratory cycle and also the role of citizen science in supporting monarch research and education.
We’ll gather for refreshments and open the silent auction at 2:30 p.m. Help support our efforts by bidding on exclusive birding experiences with local experts, reproduction Audubon prints, and a visit to Mt. Cuba Center.
As always, we welcome any food and drink that you would like to share with everyone. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
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