Sitting down at my kitchen table to write this note to you, I've asked myself what I can say to make this Thanksgiving feel a little more normal, and make us all feel a little less distant. So here's my proposal — I'll share what I'm thankful for. Then it's your turn.
I'm thankful for my children, who've shown me how truly resilient young people are in times of change.
I'm thankful for the incredible Planned Parenthood health center employees, who care so deeply about their patients and their communities and won't let even a global pandemic stop them from delivering care.
I'm thankful for each and every person who voted, organized, protested, and volunteered in pursuit of a world in which everyone is free because they have control over their lives, their health, and their futures.
I'm thankful for Planned Parenthood patients, who have trusted Planned Parenthood health centers with their health and their futures.
And most of all, I'm thankful for hope. This year has shown me how powerful hope is. There were times in which it could have felt like all was lost, but instead I looked to you and to others in the Planned Parenthood community, and I found hope.
Many of us are unable to be with our families this year, but we can still come together as a community. Will you share with me what you're most hopeful for? Sharing our hopes and joys will help make each other's holiday seasons just as special, even as they look a little different this year.
I know it's not the same kind of day we're all used to. But it will be again. In the meantime, we have each other, and together, we have a chance to build a healthy future for all.
Happy Thanksgiving,