November 26, 2020 
Despite the challenges of 2020, the resounding victories we’ve achieved together reforming our nation’s marijuana laws are bright silver linings glimmering with hope.
At NORML, as we gather around the table today, we’re thankful for legalizing marijuana in four more states, an expected vote in the House of Representatives to end federal prohibition in the coming days, and the continued growth in public support for our movement. But most importantly, we’re thankful for you: our supporters, members, and donors, who’ve made this progress possible. It’s because of your passion, commitment, and generosity that NORML has been able to sustain the fight to end marijuana prohibition for fifty years; and together, we’ll keep winning.
So today, we’ll lift our glasses to you. And, however you’re celebrating today, we hope you’ll take a moment to share with those you love the incredible momentum we’re building together. Encourage those around your table to join you on the right side of history, to take action, and to support NORML in their holiday giving. With nearly 7 in 10 Americans now supporting legalization, it is one of the few issues on which most everyone can agree, saving the arguments for who gets the last drumstick.
The team at NORML

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