The gender pay gap is real, and it impacts women across our whole society.


This is an important email for you and it starts with the WORLD CHAMPION U.S. Women's National Team.

They are absolute legends. They deserve a hero's welcome.

Here is a disgraceful fact: the women's national team is paid significantly less than the men's team. After their recent win, the women's team walked away with $4 million. Meanwhile, the men's team were paid $38 million for their win in 2018, even after generating significantly less revenue.

The gender pay gap is real, and it impacts women across our whole society.

It's frustrating after all of the progress women's rights movements have made in the last few decades, but gender discrimination and inequality is our unfortunate reality in this country.

Women are on average paid 81 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as a man. For women of color the gap is even higher: Black women are paid 61 cents to the dollar and for Latinas, it's just 63 cents.

As a man, I'm speaking out: We must support women. We must empower women. We all must demand more for women to achieve true equality.

Will you join me by adding your name next to mine on this petition? It's going to take all of us raising our voices to demand equal pay for equal work.

Our daughters should never have to question if their worth is equal to our sons'. The next generation is counting on us.

It's time to close the pay gap between women and men in this country. You can sign the petition here if you agree.

Sign the petition

Grateful for you,

— Gavin