Dear John,
Read more about your contribution to saving the Earth!
Friends of the Earth members like you are fueling the fight for a healthy, thriving, and just world. Today, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your contribution to saving our one and only Earth and all the life it supports. See your impact.
Your donations empower us to hire campaigners, conduct groundbreaking research, and lobby for real, positive change in communities across the country. And your advocacy helps pressure companies and politicians to save bees from toxic pesticides, stop dangerous pipelines, and put the planet before profits.
Click here to read more about how you’re having an impact by stopping dangerous pipelines like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline!
In 2014, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy announced their plan to build a 600-mile fracked gas pipeline from West Virginia to South Carolina. The pipeline threatened to cross the Appalachian Trail, require 38 miles of mountaintop removal, and damage farmland, forest, wildlife and habitats. It would have generated 20 coal plants’ worth of climate pollution every year. And it would have disproportionately harmed low-wealth, African American and Indigenous communities along the pipeline route.
Alarmed by the news, Friends of the Earth immediately began working with allies and local communities to stop this pipeline in its tracks.
It was a long fight, but we won. This summer, we stopped the Atlantic Coast Pipeline for good, showing that when we fight the fossil fuel industry together, we win.
Find out how your support and advocacy is stopping fracked gas pipelines and protecting the places, wildlife, and communities we love!
This victory is the result of years of organizing from frontline activists and communities, alongside people like you. More than 156,000 Friends of the Earth activists took action to stop this pipeline. You sent thousands of emails and made hundreds of phone calls to key decision-makers in Virginia and North Carolina. You attended shareholder meetings to make sure our voices were heard. Your donations helped us organize a powerful protest at the Supreme Court to help stop this pipeline from crossing the Appalachian Trail.
John, this victory is bittersweet. Pipeline companies continue to push through dangerous and unnecessary projects with similar or worse impacts across the country. Communities in these same three states are still fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and its MVP Southgate Extension into North Carolina. Fights continue against the Line 3, Jordan Cove, Keystone XL, and Trans Mountain fossil fuel projects.
The grassroots victory over the Atlantic Coast Pipeline proves that your donations fuel real wins for people and the planet. The ACP’s defeat is a major setback for the destructive fossil fuel industry. At Friends of the Earth, we are building a movement for real climate leadership that includes saving endangered species, protecting our wild places, stopping toxic infrastructure like ACP, and building a just, people-centered world for everyone.
None of us can do this work alone -- and thanks to you, we don’t have to.
Thank you for being there with us, persisting after every setback and celebrating every victory. I am so proud to work with you every day to make the world a better place.
Read more about how your gift makes an impact in standing up to the fossil fuel industry.
Donna Chavis,
Senior fossil fuels campaigner,
Friends of the Earth