We have just two words to say: thank you. 

When Open Progress was founded in 2017, none of us could have imagined that we would have sent over 40 million texts in just one year––to say nothing of the years of work we've put in before. (PS. It's many, many, many million more texts than 40 million. 🤩)

So, we have to say again––thank you. We know this year has been challenging. We know that hope is in low supply. We know that we've all been through it.

We also know that you, John, have given hope to voters, volunteers, and candidates every single day. For that, we couldn't be more grateful.

Today, we're wishing you a safe & healthy holiday. We know that, for some, today might be painful. This day might be a reminder of loss. Know that we see you, we hear you, and our community shares your commitment to defeat COVID-19. When we use the word "community"––we mean it. 

With endless love, light, & gratitude, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
––Open Progress

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