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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 19 September


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Secularism in the media


Chief rabbi accuses secularists and Humanists of intolerance – NSS quoted

The chief rabbi has criticised secularists and Humanists in Britain for their criticisms of faith schools and circumcision, and has criticised the NSS by name. The NSS's Stephen Evans has responded.

The Jewish Chronicle


Chief rabbi criticises secularists and Humanists – NSS quoted

Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has claimed secularists and humanists are becoming "ever-more combative" towards faith communities. The NSS's Stephen Evans has responded.

Jewish News


‘Why are we allowing Welsh schools to teach religion as though it is science?’

Will Hayward calls on the Welsh govenment to ban the teaching of creationism.

Wales Online


Leeds man guilty of possessing terrorist material

A private investigator who was caught on camera in an anti-Muslim rant has been found guilty of six counts of possessing terrorist material.



Woman cleared of murdering terminally ill husband in suicide pact

An 80-year-old woman who gave her terminally ill husband a fatal dose of medicine so he could end his life has been cleared of murder, triggering calls for a change in the law on assisted dying.

The Guardian


Call to build new Catholic school in Aberdeen rejected

Councillors have rejected a last-ditch attempt to build a new replacement Roman Catholic school in Aberdeen.

Evening Express


Council spends £60k+ on lighting at city centre church

Perth and Kinross Council spent more than £60,000 on new lights at a city centre kirk.

The Courier


Outcry at Indonesia draft criminal code that could see unmarried couples jailed

Indonesia, the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world, is set to pass a new criminal code. It could outlaw living together outside marriage, extramarital sex and insulting the president.

The Guardian


‘What is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and why is it investigating George Pell?’

An insight into the Vatican's own investigations into the case against Cardinal George Pell, who was recently convicted on historic sexual abuse charges.

ABC News (Australia)


Documentary follows Pastafarians as they strain for recognition

The documentary I, Pastafari, about the world's fastest-growing faith, premieres in the US in October.

The Guardian


Latest from the NSS


NSS urges UN to pressurise Vatican on overdue child rights reports

The NSS has urged a UN council to pressurise the Vatican to submit long-overdue reports outlining its response to child sexual abuse.


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