News from Representative Allred

November 26, 2020

Dear Friend,

It’s hard to believe the holiday season is already here. This year brought unprecedented challenges and although this Thanksgiving might look a little bit different than past years, I am still finding a lot to be grateful for. 

I am thankful for our North Texas health care workers, who have been selflessly putting themselves on the line to battle the virus on the frontlines. I am thankful for all of our essential workers who have reminded us just how important the postal service, the grocery store, transportation and sanitation services are to North Texas. I am thankful for our local teachers, educators, and school administrators who have worked so hard in their service to our children. And most of all, I am thankful for Texas’ 32nd District, where I was born and raised. Our community came together in ways like never before to support each other, keep each other safe and keep our local businesses afloat.

 Distributing food to those affected by COVID-19, earlier this year in Hamilton Park.

In Washington, I will continue to work with both Republicans and Democrats to put politics aside and pass another COVID-19 relief package. With many families still struggling, and COVID cases surging, Congress must come together to get folks the support they need. I will continue to fight to protect and expand our health care, create opportunities to get folks back to work and bolster the North Texas economy, and make sure our veterans are taken care of during this time.

If you or someone you know is struggling right now, please give my Richardson office a call at (972) 972-7949, we can help connect folks with the resources they need. And feel free to check out a list of helpful resources at

This holiday season, please remember to follow safety precautions, wear a mask in public, avoid large gatherings, and continue to practice hand hygiene and social distancing. I applaud your resiliency and I thank you for the honor of serving you in Congress. 

From my family to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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