In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news
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A judge's decision on expert evidence in the case of a Christian actress sacked over her views on homosexuality has been upheld by the Employment Appeal
Tribunal in London.
A family who faced a "very real threat of violence" over a "false blasphemy charge" and attitudes to epilepsy and learning difficulties have won a fight to
stay in the UK, an MP has said.
The Church of England's General Synod has voted unanimously to accept all six recommendations made by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse to the
Church of England in October.
A £4bn cut to foreign aid spending to help pay for the cost of coronavirus was denounced on Wednesday as "shameful and wrong" by the archbishop of
The US Supreme Court issued an injunction late yesterday blocking New York's governor from enforcing 10- and 25-person occupancy limits on religious
2020 has been far from festive, but as the year comes to an end, many of Europe's governments are scrambling to avoid stringent lockdowns over the Christmas
We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital
skills. The application deadline is 16 December.
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