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FOX NEWS RATINGS CRASH CONTINUES: Monday, MSNBC Is the Most-Watched, Led by Rachel Maddow
Delete FOX news. They are aligned with the forces of evil.

Monday, Nov. 23 Scoreboard: MSNBC Is the Most-Watched, Led by Rachel Maddow

By A.J. Katz, Adweek, Nov. 24, 2020:

By A.J. Katz on Nov. 24, 2020 – 5:12 PMComment

25-54 ...

Pennsylvania Judge STOPS 🛑 Election Certification Amid Mass Voter Fraud Evidence
Nevada too.

Huge COURT WIN lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result
PA Hearing Expert Witness: “The Biden Injection” Vote Dump of 600K – 570K Went For Biden, 3200 for Trump
Military Information Expert: These ...

Huge COURT WIN lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result
The tide …… can you feel it twirling?

By: Red State Observer, November 24, 2020:

In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s ...

PA Hearing Expert Witness: “The Biden Injection” Vote Dump of 600K – 570K Went For Biden, 3200 for Trump
This is astonishing. By Gd, imagine what these treasonous destroyers have been doing all along.

WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities

Pennsylvania Judge BLOCKS State From ...

Military Information Expert: These systems allow authorized and unauthorized users to cancel votes, shift votes, preload votes vote blank ballots, all in real time
WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities

My name is Phil Waldron, I'm a retired Army going 30 years I spent the first half my career just like Colonel mastriano here as a cavalry ...

Poll: 79 Percent of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen‘
It's more than that.

Poll: 79% of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen Through Illegal Voting and Fraud’

By Penny Starr, Breitbart News, November 24, 2020:

Politico conducted its 2020 Voter Priorities Survey and results show ...

Jihad in Switzerland: Two STABBED In Islamic Terror Attack
President Trump ended jihad immigration. Biden vows to open the floodgates – here's a preview of what's to come.

By: Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, 25 Nov 2020:

Two people were injured and one person arrested at a suspected terror attack at a ...

WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities
They are fighting for us. It is your duty as an American to watch.

#SOON: Pa. Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities — One America New will provide LIVE coverage! #OANN

— One America ...

Pennsylvania Judge BLOCKS State From Certifying Election Results in Presidential and All Other Races
All we need is a fair hearing.

BREAKING: A PA judge has blocked the commonwealth’s efforts to certify the 2020 election results.

— The Election Wizard (@Wizard_Predicts) November 25, 2020

NEWS: ...

Report: Facebook Used ‘Secret Internal Ranking’ Of News Sites To Suppress ‘Right-Wing’ Sources After Election
The suppression of our free speech rights on social media platforms is a grave threat to our national security. Zuckerberg should be indicted for election interference.

Report: Facebook Used ‘Secret Internal Ranking’ Of News Sites To ...

Emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 ‘potentially’ fraudulent ballots
The Amistad Project announced Tuesday, Nov. 24, they filed an emergency petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court challenging the state’s unofficial results in the 2020 presidential election, which gave Democrat candidate Joe Biden a margin of ...

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES
Director of product strategy and security for Dominion Voting Systems, Eric Coomer, is  an Antifa radical who is a key player in the massive voter fraud in voter tabulating systems.

DOMINION Director of Strategy and Security Eric Coomer: ...

Israel, UAE Becomes More United As Shops In Dubai Markets Israel’s Products With It’s Flag:
An absolute miracle made possible by the GOAT: President Donald J. Trump. That idiot John Kerry insisted that peace between Israel and it's Arab neighbors was not possible, unless Israel agreed to a Palestinian terror state in Judea and Samaria. ...

Fox News’ Paul Ryan Tells Pres. Trump He Needs To Accept The Fact He Lost The Election
Just another reminder to not watch Fox News.

Related – [VIDEO] Laura Ingraham Gets Lambasted After Accepting Joe Biden as “President”

Should President Trump concede to Biden? Poll Results: No: 190,593 (98.9%) Yes: 2,181 (1.1%) Total ...

Dominion Voting Systems employees were operating like state voting officials in key swing states
“Yes, there WERE Dominion employees working in our Tabulation center….”

“…we rely on [Dominion's] expertise to ensure that we can provide a [sic] accurate, reliable election for Maricopa County voters.”

-Maricopa County's ...

Kapo-rabbis sign letter defending Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock
The Jewish lay leadership in the United States continue to defend and embrace virulent haters of Israel and the Jewish people. Shame on them.

"the same group of apologists who said that we have nothing to worry about people like [Reps.] @Ilhan ...

Investing genius behind “The Big Short” calls foul play on Dominion voting software, rigged 2020 election
The tech geniuses all come to the same irrefutable conclusion.

WATCH: Tech Millionaire Funds Hacking Team, “Says Election 100% Rigged.” “Not Even close”

Scroll: Voter Fraud

Presidential Election: The Big Steal

Investing ...

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