From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject Six Days Away! Our Year—End Appeal Kicks Off On Dec 1st at 8 p.m. EST
Date November 26, 2020 3:19 AM
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Editors Note: Bookmark this link to join us at 8 p.m. EST on December
1st for our live-stream!

Six Days Away!

The Year-End Appeal Kicks Off #GivingTuesday Dec 1 at 8 p.m.

Editors Note: Bookmark this page to join us at 8 p.m. EST on December
1st for our live-stream!

Twenty years of vigorous defense of the Historic American Nation and
just beginning...

20 years ago, when Editor Peter Brimelow launched this site,
he named it after Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the New
World, in 1587.
Peter recognized that Virginia Dare's story, once a fixture of every
American's grade school education, had fallen out of fashion, edged
out by the multicultural agenda.
Today, another story from America's heritage that is
determined to keep in fashion is particularly relevant: This year marked
the 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower Compact-signed November 21,

The Mayflower Pilgrims' suffering and sacrifice are critical elements
of their story, but it is their dissent in the face of powerful
persecution, their survival against the odds- indeed the fact that
they flourished and did so with orderly, voluntary self-government-
that inspires patriotic Americans today.

The Pilgrims had enormous impact on the world. Among their estimated 35
million descendants are a dozen Presidents including both Adamses, both
Roosevelts and both Bushes, along with many other notables as diverse as
Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, Amelia Earhart, Astronaut Alan Shepard,
Warren Buffett and Winston Churchill.

The Mayflower Compact, signed before they got off the ship at Plymouth
Rock, was the first exercise in voluntary self-government from and by
the consent of the governed, in the English-speaking world, not to
mention the New World, and it inspired the Framers of the Constitution.
In 1802, President John Quincy Adams said that it was "the only
instance in human history of that positive, original, social compact."

The Mayflower Compact was not an experiment. Rather, it was a group of
Englishmen doing things in the ways that had become ingrained in their
culture over a thousand years of development (even before Magna Carta).
The United States of America is not an experiment.  Rather, the
Constitution which formed the nation was an expression of the same
culture that shaped the Mayflower Compact and the government that grew
from it.

Without the Mayflower Pilgrims and their courage to dissent it is fair
to say, the Historic American Nation would be unrecognizable-perhaps
even non-existent.
Now, 400 years later, we Americans must again choose self-government, as
shaped by that same heritage. We must rediscover what it means to choose
America First policies domestically and abroad. We must choose again, as
the Pilgrims did, to join together not just to survive, but also to
flourish and grow in the context of the nation and culture that have
provided freedom and plenty on a historically unimaginable scale to
those who have embraced it, and provided it generously to millions more
around the world. exists to guide, promote and support that American cultural

**It is only website dedicated solely to patriotic immigration reform
and the National Question.** is the voice of the Historic
American Nation. We publish multiple posts a day covering US immigration
policy and a broad spectrum of related Politically Incorrect topics. has also striven to bring patriots together in conferences to
discuss the urgent ideas of our time and to develop personal bonds. 
However, Cancel Culture in the form of Antifa harassment caused ten
hotels in a row over a three-year period to terminate contracts with us
and refuse our business after planning had already begun.

To defy the Cancelers (dare we call them Haters?) and to free and
amplify patriotic voices in America, VDARE took the bold step of
purchasing our own venue.

**In Spring of 2020, Berkeley Springs Castle in Berkeley Springs, West
Virginia became a new center for the defense of the Historic American
Nation.**   Renovations are underway.  By summer of 2021 VDARE will
throw the gates open and welcome our many readers and supporters to
parties, dinners, meeting and conferences in our own, un-cancelable,
secure and private space.

The Berkeley Springs Castle is now the cornerstone of an enduring
institution dedicated to the defense and advancement of America-not an
"idea" or "experiment," but a nation resting on our inherited
culture, our people and our home.

One of the great political challenges of our time is the vacuum where
America First institutions and leaders should be. President Trump
accomplished many positive things on immigration during these past few
years, but few of them are permanent. Above all, there is no enduring
legislated check on mass immigration. Escalating unofficial but
effective censorship via "cancel culture" and digital
"de-platforming" strangles grassroots communications and blights
patriotic efforts. In this new regime of political terror, outspoken
patriots know they expose their reputations and livelihoods to smear
campaigns and mob action. freely accepts that risk and more.  We take the fight back to
those who would destroy America.  We are led by individuals with real
names and faces. We move forward in the spirit of the Pilgrims who took
great risks for righteous dissent.  We defend and advance the cause of
our home our culture and our people-no matter what the costs. For 20
years, VDARE has stood strong for patriotic immigration reform, and the
Historic American Nation. We are only getting started.

From the December 1st until the end of the year, will run our
most important annual fundraiser. Our goal is $200,000. It all starts at
8 p.m. EST on December 1st

Here's a glimpse of what you can expect in the coming weeks:

* December 1: Giving Tuesday Livestream from the Berkeley Springs Castle
Join Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire fireside as they take your
questions and toast to the season during this annual event, streamed
live here on As a special unveiling, since the pandemic has
prevented our plans to gather and celebrate in person, we will also be
giving a walking tour of the castle itself!


**1620 Society**: In honor of the 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower
Compact, we are proud to announce the newly formed 1620 Society.'s work can only be accomplished with the support of generous
donors who share our commitment to the Historic American Nation, and I
hope you consider joining in. Stay tuned for exciting membership details
to be announced soon.


**Mayflower testimonials**: Throughout the month of December we will
feature letters from our readers who are inspired by America's
Mayflower forebears-whether as descendants or as people who have
embraced traditional American culture and made it their own. If you have
a message you'd like to share about what the Pilgrims mean to you,
please send it to [email protected]


**Matching funds**: On Giving Tuesday (Dec 1) and other times during the
fundraising drive, you'll see that generous supporters have come
forward with matching pledges to multiply the value of your gift. I hope
you'll help us meet these goals as they arise!


**Book Specials**: Stay tuned for Black Friday sales and raffle prizes
for donors looking for that special book to round out the collection!


**VDARE20 Finale**: Christmas Eve will close out our year-long
celebration of's 20th Join us as we delve into the archives
a final time and hear from some of our wonderful friends-including
some that may surprise you!

This has been a year of overwhelming obstacles-from the pandemic to
the election, from violence in the street and destruction in our cities
to censorship in the media, political persecution becomes more and more

Yet despite the challenges, has remained constant. Our writers
and staff have worked harder than ever to inform the fight America


Our movement grows as patriotic immigration reformers all over the
country discover our message. At the Berkeley Springs Castle, we now
have a safe space to bring the best people together, incubate the best
ideas and develop the strategies that preserve America as the founders
intended, "for ourselves and our posterity."

Despite what the leftists want you to believe, the Historic American
Nation did not start with African slaves, or Ellis Island immigrants.
The Historic American Nation started with Virginia Dare, and later
Jamestown and then the Pilgrims.

And it hasn't stopped yet. At, we'll continue to defend
it-with your help .
See you at the castle December 1st at 8 p.m. EST
thank you so much for your support!

Lydia Brimelow Publisher


Lydia Brimelow Publisher
[email protected]

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VDARE Foundation, PO Box 211, Litchfield, Connecticut 06759, United States
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