From Jim Robb - <[email protected]>
Subject Biden chooses amnesty architect for DHS chief
Date November 25, 2020 11:10 PM
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Biden picks amnesty architect Alejandro Mayorkas to be Homeland Security chief

Mayorkas created the DACA amnesty for younger illegal aliens while in Obama administration

NumbersUSA will make sure Senators ask the toughest questions

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Please read to the bottom of this email to see my Thanksgiving message to you.

Alejandro MayorkasI believe incoming presidents should be able to put in place their picks for government departments . . . within reason!

Yet on Monday, incoming president Joe Biden named attorney Alejandro Mayorkas as his choice to lead the Department of Homeland Security. The Mayorkas pick really worries us here at NumbersUSA. That's because of Mayorkas' alarming record on immigration matters while working for the Obama administration.

He can't take over DHS without confirmation from the Senate. We will be providing our nationwide network of activists with ways to press Senators to raise tough questions about Mayorkas' troubling background.

For example, he is often named as the "author" or "architect" of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. You'll remember that DACA allows illegal aliens who came to the U.S. before age 16 to remain here and get work permits.

NumbersUSA has always fought DACA. It's essentially a "law" made up by the executive branch, rather than passed by Congress. Mayorkas developed DACA when he headed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which is under the Department of Homeland Security. Before signing the DACA order, President Obama had always stated that only Congress could create an amnesty -- that he had no constitutional authority to take the law into his own hands.

(President Trump tried to end the DACA program, saying that if Congress wanted to amnesty this group of illegal aliens, it could pass a law to do so. Activist federal courts objected to the process he was using to get rid of it, but those courts did not affirm DACA's legitimacy. That's where the matter stands as of now, with nearly 800,000 illegal aliens currently carrying the temporary DACA amnesty work permits.)

Yesterday, Biden told NBC News he will send a bill to Congress in the first 100 days of his administration to provide a citizenship amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens now living in the U.S.

What role might Mayorkas play if Congress refuses to enact that huge amnesty bill? Will he do more to subvert current law on behalf of the Biden administration?

While at USCIS during the Obama years, Mayorkas intervened in several foreign-investor visa (EB-5) cases on behalf of Democratic cronies, including Hillary Clinton's brother. (Read more about that here.) The Inspector General learned about the "undue influence" and issued a report criticizing Mayorkas' role... twice! When Mayorkas was nominated in 2013 to be Deputy Secretary of DHS, the investor visa affair almost cost him his confirmation in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Our government relations chief Rosemary Jenks was quoted Monday:

"I'm surprised that Biden would select Mayorkas, since his nomination will inevitably raise anew the questions about how he used his position as USCIS director under Obama to do favors for Harry Reid and Terry McAuliffe... I'm equally surprised that Mayorkas would want to face those questions in a Senate confirmation process."

-- Washington Times, November 23, 2020

Biden's pick' cannot be a good sign for his upcoming administration. Some news articles suggest that Biden will reject some leftist proposals like abolishing ICE or taking down the wall.

But choosing Mayorkas signals a reversion to the Obama years, when executive actions were used to DECREASE immigration enforcement and EXPAND ways for non-Americans to come and stay in this country.

We are more than concerned. We will watch all this like hawks. We will make sure the Senators who will be grilling and voting on Mayorkas' nomination will ask him the hard questions. Like always, Senators get vigilant when Americans speak loudly. Making sure your Senators hear from you is our mission.

As always, NumbersUSA is on the job of protecting Americans who struggle finding work, getting access to good medical care, and receiving a proper education for their children.

We certainly need your donations as we prepare for the upcoming Biden era. It's important!

You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.

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After every national election, some of you tell me that you're having a hard time feeling thankful because the election did not turn out like you had hoped. Certainly, this election was dramatic and very nearly traumatic. Both parties have reason to be disappointed. At NumbersUSA, our fear is NOT that a President Biden will BREAK his immigration promises. Rather, we are afraid that he will KEEP them!

Yet this morning, I'm focusing on the bigger picture. Our wonderful U.S. Constitution puts so many checks and balances into the process that it's hard to get anything done at times. Just ask Pres. Trump! In 2021, Biden will face the same obstacles, such as court orders and a Congress that won't exactly do his bidding, especially if Republicans retain control of the Senate.

The sun still warms our faces. The sky still is blue. We still live in the greatest, most humane nation ever founded on earth. We have patience, fortitude, and courage, and we will get through whatever political obstacles are thrown at us next year . . . and the year after that.

Meanwhile, I want to thank the more than 100,000 Americans who have donated to our organization since our founding, making hundreds of thousands of individual gifts. I am very aware that many of you give even though you don't have a lot of cash. I thank you, our members, for the 35 million+ fax and other messages you've sent to Congress using our system. I appreciate the vast number of phone calls you've made to your representatives, demanding a better tomorrow through reduced immigration levels.

You donors and activists do more to defend the United States of America than any people I know. In short, John, I'M THANKFUL FOR YOU! With your continued support, we will achieve our goal of a safer, fairer, more prosperous America.

Happy Thanksgiving! All the best to you and your family.


There are three ways to give:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Keep the faith and don't ever give up!

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Jim Robb
VP Operations

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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