Dear Friends,
We’re thankful for you, our supporters and contributors, because we couldn’t share Anne’s legacy throughout the country without you.
We’re grateful for the helpers of the world. As Thanksgiving approaches in this challenging time, we remember that so many of us are grappling with loss, isolation and even hunger.
If you’re able, please join us in taking inspiration from Miep Gies, who helped keep the Franks alive for more than two years and who preserved the Diary, in which Anne described what Miep meant to the people in hiding:
“Miep has so much to carry she looks like a pack mule. She goes forth nearly every day to scrounge up vegetables, and then bicycles back with her purchases in large shopping bags. She’s also the one who brings five library books with her every Saturday. We long for Saturdays because that means books. We’re like a bunch of little kids with a present. Ordinary people don’t know how much books can mean to someone who’s cooped up.” 
- Anne Frank | July 11, 1943
Miep provided nourishment for both their bodies and their spirits.
We can help our fellow Americans who are facing food insecurity. You can find a local foodbank where you can volunteer or donate here.

“Everyone’s hungry; except for the ersatz coffee, a week’s food ration doesn’t last two days...
the children are sick or undernourished."

- Anne Frank | March 29, 1944
And if you wish to help us provide nourishment by bringing Anne’s message to youth around the country, please consider donating here.
Donate to Anne Frank Center
We’ll write more soon with exciting updates about our new initiatives.  For now, we wish you a peaceful and safe Thanksgiving.
Your friends at the Anne Frank Center 

Jonathan L. Cohen
AFC Board Chair

Sharon R. Douglas 

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