Then, President Abraham Lincoln Declares Thanksgiving a Day of National Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday in the United States until the fall of 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring that the last Thursday in November would be a day of national thanksgiving.
While Lincoln issued the proclamation, credit for making Thanksgiving a national holiday, Sarah Josepha Hale, the editor of Godey's Lady's Book, a popular magazine for women in 19th century America, brought this day to national attention. Read more here.

Please do not give up hope of a Trump re-election. The fake fascist news would have you believe it's over. It is not. Below is the latest on movement to expose the blatant voter fraud.  

Want to help out in Georgia? Soros and Blumberg are pouring millions to defeat the two Republicans running for the U.S. Senate upcoming race. Why? These two seats will determine if the Republicans keep the majority in the Senate. That critical. Find out what you can do, even from home.   Read more here.  

The GOP Times: (This is why we are becoming more and more turned off with Fox. They can no longer be trusted. What happened to fair and balanced!?) Whoa.. Fox News Fires More Conservatives After They Refuse $150k to Betray Trump (Diamond and Silk!!)
Needless to say, conservative voices and 'honest' reporting of the news on themajor networks is very dead and decaying. Please check out the below and keep these in mind when looking for reliable sites for news. This is not a complete list, but it's a start. Your search engine should get you to the sites.
Conservative Websites and Media
America's Real Voice
American Thinker
Carolina Journal
Citizen Free Press
Conservative HQ
Conservative Review
Conservative Tribune
The Daily Signal
Daily War Room
Epoch Times
Natural Rights Coalition
Patriot Journal
Tennessee Star
Townhall Daily
Western Journal
Contact Jane if you want one of these great signs. [email protected]
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