where wellbeing meets politics

We're dropping a new podcast with none other than the amazing Nicole Cardoza, who is reclaiming wellness in schools, in the media and in venture capitol. A sneak peak is available on Patreon for as little as $2/month! Check it out!



"Nothing strengthens authority as much as silence" 
-Leonardo da Vinci

This week we're celebrating the disruptors who are speaking truth to power and changing the game. Because at the pace we are going, more of the same is extinction.

We need much more than good intentions and small acts of service. We need to disrupt business as usual and get organized.

Over the next couple of weeks, people around the world will be taking to the streets to sound the alarm for our planet and our survival. And it will be led by young people whose future will be most affected by our negligence. 

You may be called to march, or strike. You may be inconvenienced and made uncomfortable. You may have to give things up. And, I assure you, all of it will be worth it. Because the planet is all of us. 

And it is up to all of us to take radical action, to elect radical leaders, to demand radical solutions and become radical healers for humanity. 


Greta Thunberg is taking America by storm. Her assessment: too much air conditioning. Not enough science. But the new GQ game-changer of the Year has got something to say. And she just used her superpower of climate shaming adults on Congress. "You're not trying hard enough. Sorry".  Here's how Greta got our attention on climate. And Greta wants you (yes, you) to join the climate strike. Sign up HERE. And "holy smokes" this is gonna be big. NYC public schools are letting 1.1 million kids skip school and #climatestrike. And here's a list of companies who are closing down their stores for the climate strike. 
WOMEN 2020
Women candidates are changing the game in politics. At her biggest rally yet, Elizabeth Warren laid out a plan for her own kind of movement. And Warren mastered the art of the selfie line (it's part of her plan). Marianne Williamson talke to Kara Swisher on Recode/Decode (one of our favorite podcasts BTW) about how if we don't course correct quickly, "young people are going to storm the Bastille". She might be right. Plus, a new report suggests that a spike in the mobilization of women of color will determine 2020. 
On Sunday, The New York Times published an op-ed revealing new allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, prompting an #ImpeachKavanaugh campaign. The problem with the "boys will be boys" argument is that it allows men like Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh to flourish. And now we're all paying the price. The Kavanaugh hearings still haunt us. Serious questions remain about whether Kavanaugh lied to the Senate, whether he sexually assaulted the women who credibly accused him of doing so, and whether he is ultimately fit to be a justice on the Supreme Court. But we're not done yet. One year later, we're getting ready to reclaim the court on October 6th in DC. You in?
Nicole Cardoza is shaking things up in wellness. And we dig deep in the latest episode of CTZN Podcast. We tackle the wellness gap that separates who gets to be well and who doesn’t, we acknowledge how white supremacy is playing out in wellness, we confront the harm of corporations and institutions that continue to put profits over people. And we reckon with our own complicity and responsibility in participating in a system and culture that upholds inequity and exclusion and what we need to do about it. Click here for a sneak peak of our conversation on Patreon.
We're obsessed with podcasts that are telling the truth and challenging the status quo. Here are some of our favorites: 
WELLread is produced by CTZNWELL, a collective that's mobilizing the wellness community to take action for the health and justice of all people. Was this email forwarded to you? Find out more about our organization and subscribe.

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