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Thankful for You
We’re sending The Party Line early this week. With Thanksgiving just hours away (and Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails soon to flood your inbox), I wanted to share how thankful we are here at your Indiana Republican Party to have dedicated and loyal supporters like you on our team.

Since 2016, we’ve accumulated a record of winning that’s been unprecedented in the history of our party. Each year pundits have said we couldn’t go any higher and each year YOU proved them all wrong. Just think of what we’ve been able to accomplish together:
  • 2016: First on the board for President Trump’s historic upset victory and elected our very own Mike Pence as VP. Scored historic victories for Eric Holcomb and all statewide offices on the ballot.
  • 2018: We flipped the battleground U.S. Senate seat of the 2018 election cycle by electing Mike Braun over Democrat Joe Donnelly, and won all three statewide elected offices on the ballot.
  • 2019: We won the most mayoral offices in state history and now Republicans are mayor in 71 Indiana cities and towns.
  • 2020: Once again we were first on the board for President Trump and Vice President Pence. Governor Eric Holcomb won with the most votes ever cast for a governor in Indiana history. We elected Todd Rokita Attorney General, Victoria Spartz to the 5th, and expanded our supermajority in the Indiana House of Representatives.
We have so much for which to be grateful, but it’s not just the wins listed above. It’s the policies that come from those wins that are having the greatest impact on Hoosiers.

Its our low taxes, economic freedom, protecting life and our Second Amendment, investing in education, infrastructure, technology and health that are changing lives for the better in every corner of our state. That’s why we do what we do and that’s why we’re so thankful for your support and participation.
But, there’s more to life than just political victories. 2020 has certainly been an unprecedented and oftentimes trying year. Thanksgiving celebrations will look a lot different for my family this year, as I’m sure they’ll look different for yours as well. But even during our most difficult weeks and months, we saw continued acts of Hoosier generosity, patriotism, compassion, heroism, and ingenuity that have helped us weather this unprecedented storm. Those uniquely Hoosier qualities continue to make us ever thankful to call you all friends and neighbors.

And now as we look ahead, I look forward to our continued work...together.

-Kyle Hupfer
PHOTO: Chairman Hupfer and his family paused on a busy election night for quick photo with Governor Eric Holcomb!
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