Special Video Message: Happy Thanksgiving from Our Team

What an incredibly challenging and fruitful year it has been. Through the victories and defeats, pandemic and social unrest, we have been sustained by the Lord’s good grace and rest in the truth that HE is still sovereign over all things. We are incredibly grateful to all our supporters who have stood strong with us this year. Know that our entire team remains committed as ever to our mission of advancing biblical values across Texas. 

We could not advance in our mission without your generous support, prayers, and activism that has enabled us to stand for life, religious freedom, and family values in Texas.  We are grateful to live in a state where these values are honored, and so many of you share our passion for defending them. As you and your family gather for Thanksgiving, we pray that God will bless you and keep us all safe this Thanksgiving! 



SBOE Stands Strong Promoting Abstinence Over LGBT Politics

After almost a year and a half of advocacy on the part of our team and many others, the elected 15-member Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) decisively voted to finalize abstinence-focused Health standards for K-12 students this past Friday. The sex education strand in the Health standards focus on sexual risk avoidance and does not include the topics of sexual orientation, gender identity, and abortion, even though the far left tried to get these controversial topics added. 

While some LGBT and abortion activists, like Planned Parenthood, pleaded for so-called comprehensive sex education in June and September of this year, many more health educators, parents, and citizens encouraged the State Board of Education to adopt abstinence focused sex education standards that do not contain LGBT topics. This included over 17,000 messages sent by our supporters in opposition to the radical policies pushed by liberal political activists.



Attend Our Houston or San Antonio Luncheon

We invite you to celebrate Christmas with us in Houston or San Antonio! Our Houston Luncheon will be Wednesday, December 16 at 11:30 at the Maggiano’s on Post Oak, and our San Antonio Luncheon will be Thursday, December 17 at 11:30 at the Alamo Cafe on San Pedro Ave. At both events, you will get a timely update from our President Jonathan Saenz and an important preview of the upcoming 2021 Texas Legislative Session. These are both private, in-person luncheons. If you are in Houston or San Antonio, please get your tickets today!


#GivingTuesday is December 1st

#GivingTuesday is next Tuesday, December 1st. It's a growing global day of giving to celebrate and support a cause that you believe in. The day kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. As we enter into our year-end fundraising season, we hope you will consider supporting Texas Values and join in our 501(c)(3) nonprofit mission of standing for biblical values across our great state. A tax-deductible gift to Texas Values is an investment in the largest and most effective statewide organization advancing faith, family, and freedom in Texas.



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220