"We now have an opportunity to return this issue to the table... Without reopening this door, Israel will turn into one state with an ongoing conflict."
Tzipi Livni, former Israeli Foreign Minister, on prospects for peace with the Palestinians under a Biden Administration and Tony Blinken as Secretary of State, in contrast to what she says was sorely lacking with the Trump Administration. (Ha'aretz: ‘He’s Not Kushner’: Israelis Who’ve Worked With Blinken Welcome His Pick as Secretary of State")

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
And the less dramatic and more constant background issues?
Meanwhile, in Israel: countdown to elections? (November 23, 2020)
Q. The Israeli body politic seems to have given up on a Gantz-Netanyahu rotation. Everyone is focused on new elections in 2021. A series of dramatic events, barely hours apart, appears to point in that direction. Is there an alternative explanation? Is there an alternative?
A. ...it would appear that both Netanyahu and Gantz are heading in the direction of elections...
Q. What are the dramatic events?
A. Two stand out. A serious investigation of the so-called submarine deal, and Netanyahu’s surprise trip, with US Secretary of State Pompeo, to Saudi Arabia...
Q. And the less dramatic and more constant background issues?
A. Here we get into the nitty gritty of Israeli daily politics...
Q. Meanwhile, despite all this dysfunction and Machiavellian plotting and counter-plotting, here and there the Netanyahu-Gantz coalition is getting things done in ways that seemingly could deliver political stability...
A. Indeed. A few days ago the prime minister and his ‘alternate’ agreed on a few vital high-level governmental appointments...
Q. Who are the politically astute Israelis now predicting that there will be no elections next year and that Netanyahu and Gantz will remain in their present jobs, without rotation?
A. Here is what Haaretz editor-in-chief Aluf Benn wrote...
Q. Bottom line?
A. Gantz provided it in an interview...

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
- Bills, Resolutions and Letters
- Hearings and Markups
- On the Record

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Sign the Petition to President-elect Joe Biden

On January 20, when President Joe Biden and his foreign policy team enter the White House, they will have the work of restoring America’s leadership abroad cut out for them. Americans for Peace Now sent a letter to President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, addressed to incoming Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. They heard from us. Now they need to hear from you!
Please sign this petition urging President-elect Joe Biden to reverse Trump’s course of endorsing occupation, annexation, settlement construction and apartheid, and to instead commit his administration to advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace in earnest.

New Episodes of APN's PeaceCast Podcast
Episode #156: What Should We Know About Settlements?
Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin, an Israel-based public opinion expert, international political and strategic consultant, as well as a scholar and a writer, is interviewed about her latest project - a mini-series of podcast episodes on West Bank settlements, titled Israeli Settlements 360: What Everyone Needs to Know.
Episode #155: Joe Biden and Palestinian Politics
Khaled Elgindy, formerly with the Brookings Institute and now the Director of the Program on Palestine and Palestinian-Israeli Affairs at the Middle East Institute in Washington, speaks to the Palestinian perspective on President-Elect Joe Biden. Spoiler - they don't see him as a savior, but the demise of the Trump Administration provides an opportunity to push the reset button.
Listen and subscribe to PeaceCast on Apple or wherever you get your podcasts.
Audio Recording of "Israel and the Biden Administration" Webinar with Yossi Alpher
Yesterday, Israeli strategic affairs analyst Yossi Alpher provided great insight into the Israel-related policy options facing the Biden Administration, and the possible path(s) that will be taken. LISTEN >

APN's Hadar Susskind in The New Republic: Mike Pompeo Is a Global Arsonist. Can Biden Put Out His Fires?
...Pompeo, blessed by Trump’s typical indifference, is placing “a series of political impediments” for his successor, said [APN President and CEO] Susskind. Some of them may prove thorny down the road; others will demand his attention on day one.
Go HERE to read The New Republic aricle.
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APN Acknowledges International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
The United Nations has designated November 29 - the date that UN General Resolution 181 was passed in 1947 - as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Many years have passed and some of the 73-year-old resolution’s articles are no longer relevant. Still, APN strongly endorses – today more than ever – the principle of partitioning the territory that lies between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, historic Palestine, into two sovereign states: the state of Israel and the independent state of Palestine, living together in peace and security.
APN advocates for the Palestinian people’s right to its own nation state, and stands in solidarity with the Palestinians’ nonviolent struggle to secure a state of their own in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with its capital in East Jerusalem.