
As we enter this holiday season, I have so much to be thankful for and that starts with my wonderful family. If I did not have my supportive kids, parents, brothers, and sister behind me, I would not have gotten through this challenging year and election.

I am also blessed to have earned the trust of the voters of Texas' 24th Congressional District to serve them and be their voice in Congress. I will not forget it was YOU who placed me in this position to serve over the next two years.

Let's not forget all those who are struggling through this holiday season due to circumstances far beyond their control. There are many great organizations in the region who are doing God's work to provide for families in need.

I hope you join me in supporting these and many other organizations who are doing all they can to support our neighbors in North Texas:

Thank you again for your advice, guidance, and prayers during these past 15 months!

Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress