Transit Week Recap
Climate Strike
Sunday Streets Western Addition
NextMuni 2.0


The Fight Goes On!

I can't say how sorry I am to see Rachel go. I am so thankful for how much she built this organization, and how much she taught me. Above all, she's a good friend and we had a lot of fun together working hard for transit riders. It was my honor to be her right-hand person for the past couple years.

I don't know what else to say, except our work isn't slowing down a bit! Rachel left me with a great crew, a great network, and a clear direction. We will continue to work every day to build the voice of the rider. I was at the SFMTA Board meeting my first day, speaking up for more transit priority in the Excelsior and on 5th Street. Both areas are getting long overdue and much-needed upgrades, but neither project goes nearly far enough for transit riders. I will keep speaking up to make sure transit is put first in our street projects.

Keep reading for all the ways you can get involved!


Cat Carter, Acting Executive Director


Transit Week: Just the beginning

Our 4th Annual Transit Week was our best yet. At our Kick-Off, we had 9 of 11 District Supervisors speaking up for transit priority - two of them even specifically called out our 30x30 campaign. Thank you, Supervisors Mar and Haney! We had our entire state delegation (Senator Wiener, Assemblymembers Chiu and Ting), who spoke about the importance of building political support for public transit and the funding it needs - they have an uphill battle with their state-level colleagues. We also had the support of Tilly Chang, Executive Director of SFCTA, on her way to Washington to fight for federal transit funding. And of course, SFMTA Director of Transit Julie Kirschbaum, who is working so hard to get, and keep, SFMTA really moving. Our friends at Spin also have jumped in with full support for 30x30, urging the business community to do their part.

We have more support for awesome transit in San Francisco leadership than we've had in a long time. So we will continue to work with the leadership, and push them for ever bolder support for transit riders.

We had a great day of action for 29 Sunset Rapid service, building new relationships and deepening others with students at San Francisco State, Lowell High, and City College. We got hundreds of postcards filled out to the SFMTA Board urging more Rapid service. Stay tuned to help us deliver them, and for more on the 29 Rapid campaign.

Our presenting sponsor, Spin, hosted a panel at their HQ with us and several community leaders representing the Mission, Excelsior, Ingleside, SOMA, and the Bayview. We had a lively discussion of the various communities' concerns around equitable access to public transit, and what their top concerns are. It's the beginning of our conversation with each of these communities.

Finally, we had our Rider First Awards. What a great evening of celebrating the hard work so many put in to serving riders! There are many dedicated and talented people inside SFMTA as well as outside, who really want public transit to be awesome in San Francisco. We thoroughly enjoy celebrating their successes and helping to cut through the anti-transit noise and bureaucracy. We will continue to work with all of them to make sure the best public transit is delivered to the riders.


This Friday! Join us at the Youth Climate Strike

What started as a one-person protest by Greta Thunberg has grown to a movement of millions sacrificing their #FridaysForFuture in over 160 countries in at least 2000 locations. This Friday, student strikers are calling on people of all ages around the globe to strike and use their power to stop business as usual in the face of the climate emergency. Here at San Francisco Transit Riders, we know that climate change, reliable public transit, and urban livability are inextricably linked. We'll be participating in the strike - join us! 

Climate Strike

90 Seventh Street
Friday, September 20th

Email [email protected] to RSVP for details and an SFTR t-shirt. 


Sunday Sept. 22: Sunday Streets Western Addition

Join us this Sunday for the second-to-last Sunday Streets of the year. We'll be reaching out to Western Addition residents about how they'd like to improve transit service in their communities. Building off transit week, Sunday Streets are a great time to engage riders and non-riders around our 30x30 campaign, building support for a city-wide rapid bus network.

Sunday September 22, 11:00am-4:00pm


October 1: NextMuni 2.0

NextMuni is getting a major upgrade and makeover, and soon! The contract should be awarded in the next few months, and there's a moment of opportunity for us (you) to voice your priorities.

Join us to hear from SFMTA staff about the plans for the new NextMuni. SFMTA is looking at adding a lot of functionality to NextMuni, like crowding information and information on nearby routes. They also want to improve the app, and allow for easier input and feedback.

As part of the next NextMuni, a lot of new signage is going in on light rail platforms and at bus stops. Riders ask for real-time information at stops more than any other improvement. Useful, legible signage and information is crucial to making Muni usable.

Learn what's being planned, what designs are being considered, and provide your input directly.


San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
