Read the entire 2020 Year in Review Mailer HERE
Over the summer, we were challenged to debate by BL Cozad, one of the most prominent cockfighters in the country. In addition to committing animal cruelty, Cozad is racist, homophobic, misogynistic and is anti-Semitic. Cozad has stated that in addition to wanting to make cockfighting legal he would also give the same status to beastility and dog fighting. Cozad's history includes threatening a court clerk telling her he wants to shoot up courthouses.

Steve debates cockfighter BL Cozad in KY. Note the gun Cozad brought to the debate. The full debate can be seen on
There is still much more that we have accomplished and are working on with this campaign.
• We are running ads in newspapers in six states across the country asking for tips on cockfighting locations. We have also set up a phone hotline (630-385-0244), and a special email address ([email protected]) to make it easy for people to inform us of cockfight locations nationwide.
• Cockfighters, outraged by our success against them, have targeted SHARK with numerous death threats, including one by a law enforcement officer. One cockfighter already has a felony arrest warrant out for him, and we are pushing for charges against the police officer in Clay County, Kentucky who wrote, “Shark guys gonna go missing.”
• SHARK and HFA have also filed a lawsuit against Monterey County, CA, to force the county to enforce an ordinance limiting the number of roosters allowed on a property - a move to combat cockfighting. Unfortunately, laws that are unenforced are worthless, so we’ve taken the county to court.

Our investigators risked their safety to infiltrate cockfights and film them
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