Dear John, I know Thanksgiving is different this year. While the meal may be smaller and there might be fewer seats at the family table, what hasn't changed is the impact of your support. 

Thanks to your kindness and support of the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), together, we have reunited families. And that’s something to be grateful for.

Because of you, Juan is with his family this Thanksgiving. A year ago that didn’t seem possible.

Juan was a member of the Venezuelan military. When a military leader threatened him with imprisonment and criminal charges, he fled. Juan feared imprisonment, torture, or even murder if he were forced to return to Venezuela. In the United States, Immigration and Customs Enforcement detained Juan as he fought his immigration case. With the help of his NIJC and pro bono legal teams and your support, Juan was freed and granted asylum. 

Juan wrote a poem to commemorate his experience that he sent to his legal team – and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than to share his words with you.


Today one year ago, I spent the whole night without sleep.

Today one year ago, it was a day of uncertainty.

Today one year ago, I said goodbye to my bunker mates.

Today one year ago, it was a decisive day.

Today one year ago, I woke up dressed like a convict.

Today one year ago, I traveled to court in handcuffs.

Today one year ago, I was scared when my court was late.

Today one year ago, I nervously entered court and saw all of you there with faces of joy, happiness and excitement.

Today one year ago, thanks to God and you, I won my asylum case.

Today one year ago, my heart was filled with excitement to know that I would see my family.

Today one year ago, I shared with you in a Venezuelan restaurant (very delicious after 6 months deprived of freedom)

Today one year ago, they helped me organize my way to the airport and my air ticket.

And for all this, I sent you this short poem in the form of gratitude, first asking Almighty God to fill your lives with love, peace, joy, health, economic blessings and to fulfill the wishes of each one of you and your families.

God bless you and eternally grateful from me to you.


Hoy hace un año, pase toda la noche sin dormir.

Hoy hace un año, era un día de incertidumbre.

Hoy hace un año, me despedí de mis compañeros de bunker.

Hoy hace un año, era un día decisivo.

Hoy hace un año, amanecí vestido como un convicto.

Hoy hace un año, viaje esposado hasta la corte.

Hoy hace un año, tuve miedo cuando mi corte se retraso de horario.

Hoy hace un año, ingresé con nervios a la corte y los vi a todos ustedes allí con caras de alegría, felicidad y emoción.

Hoy hace un año, gracias a dios y a ustedes, yo gane mi caso de asilo.

Hoy hace un año, mi corazón se lleno de emoción al saber que vería a mi familia.

Hoy hace un año, compartí con ustedes en un restaurant venezolano (muy delicioso después de 6 meses privado de libertad)

Hoy hace un año, me ayudaron a organizar mi ida hasta el aeropuerto y lo de mi boleto aéreo.

Y por todo esto, les envió este corto poema en forma de agradecimiento, pidiendo primeramente a Dios todopoderoso que llene sus vidas de amor, paz, gozo, salud, bendiciones económicas y que cumpla los deseos de cada uno de ustedes y su familia.

Dios los bendiga y eternamente agradecido de mi parte hacia ustedes.

We couldn't be more grateful that you support NIJC. By doing so, you have changed so many lives and provided protection and new opportunities to many people like Juan.

Thank you – and Happy Thanksgiving!

With gratitude,
Ruben Loyo
Associate Director of NIJC’s Detention Project


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604

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