
Betsy DeVos has been unfit to serve as Secretary of Education since the day she stepped into office.

Instead of advocating for students, she has sided with wealthy special interests and friends of the president every step of the way. She has silenced victims of sexual assault and rolled back essential protections on college campuses. She has moved to dismantle affirmative action policies for people of color. She is totally anti-public schools. She tried to cut funding for Special Olympics. She wanted to use federal funds to arm teachers.

And most recently, she pulled strings for predatory for-profit colleges -- making it more difficult for students to get compensation from fraudulent schools just guessed it, Trump University.

Talk about the fox guarding the hen house.

DeVos has backed one horrible policy after another. It’s time for her to go. Sign our petition now demanding Betsy DeVos end her charade and immediately resign as Secretary of Education.

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Over 45 million Americans owe more than $1,625,300,000,000 in student debt. I happen to be one of them. Maybe you are, too. But does DeVos care about us? Not a chance.

The student debt crisis in this country is robbing an entire generation of their future. Our current system sets students up to fail by forcing them to seek higher education if they want a good-paying job and punishing them with crushing student loans when they do -- making it nearly impossible to afford housing or groceries or medical bills for years on end.

We need a leader who will fight for students’ rights, but DeVos has repeatedly proven she’s unfit for office and only cares about her own self-interests. If you agree, sign our petition now demanding Betsy DeVos resign.

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Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America