BREAKING: New York Times details NEW misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh


URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED: Do you approve of Brett Kavanaugh?

Team. It’s been a year since Senate Republicans raced to confirm Donald Trump's extremist Supreme Court nominee without allowing a real investigation into the credible allegations against him.

There have been red flags around Kavanaugh from day one. During his confirmation hearings, he refused to say whether a president could be held accountable for crimes. And his anti-choice record became crystal clear when Democrats released an anti-Roe v. Wade email from Kavanaugh, a document that Trump and Mitch McConnell wanted to keep secret.

Last year, the FBI failed to interview dozens of potential witnesses, including another Kavanaugh accuser, all because Mitch McConnell refused to allow time for a real investigation.

We're finalizing our strategy on how to continue to protect our democracy given these shocking new developments, but first we need to hear from 12,000 Democrats before midnight tonight:

URGENT POLL: Do you approve of Brett Kavanaugh?

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