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"Trump is diverting $3.6 billion from the US military to build his border wall"Vox, Sep. 4, 2019

Dear John,

President Donald Trump promised over and over again that Mexico would pay for his border wall. Now, he's raiding $3.6 billion from our military to pay for it.

Diverting critical funding from our military won't make our country safer. If anything, it heightens national security threats. Chris is all for reasonable border security, but he's not going to support a wall designed solely to fulfill a campaign promise.

This is yet another abuse of power from this administration. Help Chris fight back by adding your name to stand up against this reckless decision.

What is the true cost of Trump's ineffective border wall?
  • Denying 552 children of military families a new school.
  • Shuttering warehouses designed to hold hazardous materials.
  • Refusing to invest in critical infrastructure to secure our military bases.
Add your name to demand Trump stop funding his border wall at the expense of American military families.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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