GivingTuesday: Hope for Public Transit

Riders Share Their Love for Transit

Transit Matters:
From COVID Recovery to World-Class Transit for All

We Have Hope For Public Transit

At about this time four years ago, a super optimist might have thought there was a chance that public transit, as a national investment, could rise above the rest of the political noise. Well, we know how that turned out.

Now we have an incoming president who communted on Amtrak for decades, supports investment in local city bus improvements, and put public transit at the top of his climate change plan. A president who understands, in short, that transit matters.

Here in San Francisco, we are also fortunate to have many dedicated public servants in leadership roles who believe in the necessity and power of good public transit (even if we don't always agree). More people in leadership are calling out and facing the embedded racism and inequities that need to be addressed in order to give all San Franciscans the access and mobility we need. They are rolling up their sleeves and getting to work making public transit better.

Transit Week 2016

Over our ten years, San Francisco Transit Riders has been working toward a moment like this. We have been growing our membership, growing our voice, and achieving significant wins for transit riders in San Francisco. We cannot let up now, especially given the crisis we face.

We have an opportunity now to push further than ever before. We need to make sure riders are at the center of our recovery and visions for the future. We need to outline those visions, to lay that foundation so we can come back from this crisis on the right track, rolling out the robust public transit we need. 

We can't do this without your generosity. If you believe that public transit is crucial for our recovery and for our economy; for our ability to get around safely, efficiently, and sustainably; and that it needs to be easy to use and accessible to all communities, please give today!

Thank you,
Grace, B-Rod, Eric, Zack, Cat, Mark

Video: Miss meeting riders on the bus? We found some on Zoom.
Click to hear what they love about public transit!

Transit Matters: From COVID Recovery to World-Class Transit for All
Thursday, December 3, 5:30PM

Join us for an in-depth discussion with some of San Francisco and the Bay Area's leaders in public transit.

While public transit is crucial for access, equity, mobility, and sustainability, the pandemic is presenting serious challenges. With the loss of revenue, difficult decisions are being made about service cuts and service changes. Car traffic has returned almost to pre-pandemic levels while public transit struggles for resources and space on the road.

We know transit matters. Transit advocates and leaders need to build a strong foundation now to ensure that transit not only survives, but that it thrives into the future.

The discussion will be moderated by Alexandra Sweet, Mayor Breed's Transportation Advisor.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
