Dear Friend,

So many people around the world have been following our election, knowing how much it will affect their lives, including our sisters and brothers organizing for change in Haiti, Rwanda, and Central America. 

I just received this moving update about what our international affiliates have been able to achieve during such a difficult year. My heart is filled with gratitude for their work and for the ties of solidarity we are building across the Faith in Action family. 

Please join their righteous efforts. I encourage you to sign up here to receive reports like this one and learn about how we can support global grassroots faith organizing and work together to make U.S. foreign policy more humane.

There is no better demonstration of our mission to reorient the moral compass of our world to the aspirations of the everyday people than our global organizing. Please join me in supporting this indispensable part of our family.

Rev. Alvin Herring
Executive Director
Faith in Action

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: John Baumann <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, Nov 17, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Subject: Unstoppable!
To: Rev. Alvin Herring <[email protected]>

Faith In Action Around the World

Your support of Faith in Action International makes global grassroots organizing unstoppable!

Faith in Action International appreciates your friendship and interest. In this time of pandemic, your support is more essential than ever. In spite of all the pain caused by COVID 19, grassroots leaders like Karla in El Salvador, Charlotte in Rwanda, and Florcie in Haiti have been unstoppable. While providing emergency aid to their most vulnerable neighbors, they are also organizing their communities to build new clinics, secure access to clean water, fight for land reform and sustain economic cooperatives. You can read a little about their work below. We invite you to join donors who support these grassroots leaders who are rebuilding their communities and countries. 

Please consider a donation now and it will be matched by our generous friend, John A. Sobrato. Help us reach our goal of $250,000 by year’s end. Your donation of $25, $50, $100, or $1,000 will make a huge difference. It will enable hundreds of unstoppable grassroots leaders continue fighting for their own future.

If you’d like, you can designate your gift for a particular organization in Haiti, Rwanda, or El Salvador. Remember, make your gift now and it will be matched. Please help leaders like Karla, Charlotte and Florcie write the next chapter in their story. Thank you so much.

John Baumann, S.J. - Founder & Director of Special Projects

FIA grassroots activism in El Salvador

In El Salvador, a country-wide shut down did not stop COFOA leaders from winning clean water for 8,000 of families in Soyapango 

“We refuse to be stopped by the country-wide shut down or poor government leadership. We will fight until we have national laws protecting land rights and water for everyone.” – Karla Arevinar, COFOA organizer

COFOA leaders sustained their organizing effort through a rigid quarantine to secure clean water for families in urban Soyapango as well as four rural communities. As they outreach in new communities in the six department where they work, access to water is a top priority. They will not stop until they have helped secure as national law preventing the privatization of water and a constitutional amendment guaranteeing water as a human right. Click here to support Karla and COFOA.

Since COFOA was founded 13 years ago, leaders have secured improvements valued at more than $20 million, including construction of roads, parks, and bridges; obtaining legal deeds; and securing access to clean water for thousands of families. COFOA is now launching new grassroots effort in Guatemala and Honduras and will not stop until they can join allies and address the root causes of forced migration.

Building a new health clinic in Rwanda

In Rwanda, the pandemic did not stop grassroots leaders in Nyarubuye from building a new health clinic

“I am amazed at what is happening in my community. Twenty-five years ago, thousands died in the genocide. The pandemic could not stop us. We are united in building this clinic.” – Muteteri Charlotte, PICO Rwanda Leader in Nyarubuye

This year, thousands of Catholic, Protestant and Muslims community members joined Charlotte to build a new health clinic in Nyarubuye that will serve 20,000 people from ten villages. It is the third clinic PICO Rwanda leaders built in rural communities. These clinics are essential hubs for education, testing, tracing and treatment as the COVID pandemic threatens vulnerable communities. PICO Rwanda will not stop until communities across Rwanda have organized their own resources and secured support of the government to meet the needs their people. Click here to support Charlotte and PICO Rwanda.

Since PICO Rwanda was established 13 years ago, leaders have leveraged more than $4 million in public improvements and services, transforming lives for 120,000 people. Ordinary Rwandans are organizing their own labor and money to build health clinics, schools, roads, and homes; access water and electricity; plant trees; and start businesses. Conversations are also underway in Ghana and South Africa to launch efforts based on this model of faith rooted organizing.

In Haiti, political chaos did not stop grassroots leaders from organizing a massive COVID public education and prevention campaign

In Haiti, political chaos did not stop grassroots leaders from organizing a massive COVID public education and prevention campaign

"When we learned of deaths from COVID in Northeast Haiti, we all agreed that nothing would stop us from doing whatever we could to prevent people from catching and spreading the virus.” – Florcie Tyrell, OPODNE Executive Director

Thanks to your support, OPODNE overcame government dysfunction and organized a department-wide public education campaign reaching 300,000 people in the Northeast. These efforts provided reliable information by sponsoring local radio shows, distributing fliers, and using megaphones to make announcement at public markets. Leadership teams in every town distributed masks, gloves, disinfectant, and washing stations to promote health practices. Click here to support Florcie and OPODNE.

Since OPODNE was founded six years ago, leaders have leveraged $400,000 public and private investments. Leadership teams in 13 towns organized community-improvement activities like road building, tree planting, clean-ups, and teacher training. In spite of drought, hurricanes and government dysfunction, they are sustaining eight cooperatives and three micro lending programs. OPODNE will not stop until they establish grassroots organizing efforts in other departments in Haiti. OPODNE will not stop until leaders in Haiti and the diaspora are united in efforts to improve US policy toward Haiti and Haiti’s legacy of grassroots democracy is re-established.

(866) 550-7426 | [email protected]

Faith in Action International is a 501(c)3. We are not aligned with any party and do not endorse or support candidates for office. 

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