
In all my years in politics, I've never seen this level of corruption in an election. Every American should have confidence that their vote matters, but Democrats have spent the last few years taking down the guardrails in the election process, state by state, county by county. That effort has paid dividends to Joe Biden, but severely harmed the legitimacy of this election. ACU PAC and I are still fighting to ensure that the 73 million Americans who voted for President Trump get the answers and transparency they deserve. 

ACU has also launched a Voter Integrity Project to map out every nefarious thing the Democrats did in the courts and election offices over the last 4 years to bend the election in their favor. They were clever and comprehensive. Our site will be online soon and will be an ongoing project. It will take time to figure this all out, but we will get to the bottom of it so we can prevent the kind of abuse we see in this election from happening again. 

We are also planning to go to Georgia to help train poll watchers to safeguard the two Senate races there. Dan Schneider, our Executive Director, and I have a lot of experience doing this kind of work. It is a critically important part to ensure a free and fair election. The Democrats are pouring a truly unprecedented amount of cash into those races, knowing that taking just one of those two seats could give them complete control over every part of the federal government. That would be a catastrophe! 

If you can help us prevent that from happening, we would appreciate all the help you can provide. If you are a Georgia resident or have friends or family who are Georgia residents, we can help train and get you/them certified as poll watchers. We are also looking for lawyers and election experts, who don’t need to be Georgia residents or a member of the Georgia bar, to help us staff this effort. You can contact us at [email protected] to get more information about this volunteer opportunity. And if you can't assist with one of these volunteer opportunities, you can still help with financial resources. We run a very tight ship at ACU, but we can't do our increasingly critical work without supporters who back our work. 

If you're able, please click here to continue supporting our efforts. 

This fight is not over. We are doing everything we can to root out the illegal ballots and find the discarded votes that should have been counted. We will not give up, we will not end our effort until every legal vote is counted. 

In Freedom,


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