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A newsletter of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
November 24, 2020Send shout-outs, story ideas, and webinar information to Aidan McCallion at
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National Hispanic Health Foundation Recognizes Sanchez
The Campaign for Action is proud to congratulate Eduardo Sanchez, MD, MPH, FAAFP, who serves on its Strategic Advisory Committee, for being honored by the National Hispanic Foundation. Sanchez, chief medical officer for prevention at the American Heart Association, was among five national leaders recognized for inspiring contributions to improving health care for Hispanic communities.
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Campaign News and Features
Data Point to Nurse-Led Clinics as Needed Solution
Health data at local, state, and national levels document the need for nurse-led clinics. In a blog that cites findings from the Association of American Medical Colleges, the California Health Care Almanac, and California Future Health Workforce Commission recommendations, three nurse leaders urge action to “advance the opportunities for innovative, person- and family-centered practice.”
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NCAA Public Health Nurse Looks After Students’ Well-Being
Jessica Beatriz Wagner, MPH, RN, plays an important role when it comes to balancing health and sports in the time of COVID-19. Wagner, a Campaign Breakthrough Nurse Leader, is a leader at the NCAA Sports Science Institute—and says that there has never been a greater time than now to advocate for public health nursing.
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Native American Nurse Leaders Address Health Equity
In honor of National Native American Heritage month, November, three Native American Campaign advisers write about efforts to improve health care for this historically marginalized community. Lisa Martin, PhD, RN, FAAN, Sandra Littlejohn, MA, BSN, RN, and Regina Eddie, PhD, RN, also preview a Campaign toolkit due out early next year to help nursing faculty understand the unique needs of Native American nursing students.
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AARP and Nurses on Boards Coalition Want You!
Now’s the time to get involved: AARP and the Nurses on Boards Coalition seek nurses to represent AARP on community boards working to improve patient care, support family caregivers, build healthier communities and advocate for policies that lead to better health and well-being.
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Resettling: Hassmiller’s Story
In 2016, very unexpectedly, Campaign director Susan B. Hassmiller lost her husband. To cope, she wrote, over the course of a year. Today, the essays she penned on her blog that helped her and others are available in a book. Resetting: An Unplanned Journey of Love, Loss, and Living Again can ordered on Amazon and Barnes and Noble through the book’s website.
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Poll: Those 50 to 80 Willing but Wary of COVID-19 Vaccine
Nearly three in five adults ages 50 to 80 are likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine, according to a poll by the University of Michigan and sponsored by AARP. The survey, conducted in October, also shows that nearly half said they want to wait until others have received it; a similar percentage were worried about the safety of a vaccine that is developed quickly.
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How Fares CARE? Scan of Hospitals Provides Snapshot
The Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act is now law in more than 40 states and territories. Given that more than 20 million family caregivers perform increasingly complex medical and nursing tasks at home, AARP’s Public Policy Institute has been visiting hospitals to learn best practices in implementing the law.
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Campaign Lists Ways to Help, Stay Informed About COVID-19
The Campaign for Action website now offers a resources page with information for both nurses and the public about the novel coronavirus. Among features: leading nursing organizations seek information from nurses and offer health suggestions, while trusted health authorities tell the public how to support nurses, and stay safe.
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Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share
Fans of the Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at
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[email protected] . We’ll spread the news through news posts, social media, and the Campaign Update.
Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities
New - Tool Helps Quantify Social Determinants of Health Costs
The Commonwealth Fund helps organizations make the case for partnering to address complex health and social needs, with an updated return on investment tool. The idea: to guide community-based and health care institutions plan sustainable financial arrangements to fund the delivery of social services to high-need, high-cost patients.
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New - Improving Social Determinants of Health – Getting Further Faster
The National Association of County and City Health Officials and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials have released a Request for Proposals to fund up to 50 communities at $50,000 each to evaluate their work to advance health equity by addressing social determinants of health. Local, state, tribal, and territorial health departments are encouraged to apply. Application deadline: December 8.
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New - Share Your Work With the Complex Care Field
Do you have a care model, resource, program, or partnership that is improving care for people with complex health and social needs? The National Center for Complex Care and Social Needs invites you to host a webinar. Of particular interest: sessions that include a community member or consumer of complex care as a primary presenter. Deadline: December 17.
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New - Jonas Philanthropies Seeks Applicants for Doctoral Nursing Scholars
Doctoral nursing students pursuing PhD and DNP degrees at accredited schools of nursing are invited to apply to be a Jonas Nursing and Veterans Healthcare scholar for its 2021-2023 cohort. Seventy-five doctoral nurse scholars will be selected to receive $15,000 each. Deadline: February 1.
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Participate in Testing the Board Engagement Survey
Nurses are leaders in hundreds of ways; the Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC) wants to put some of those ways into words. NOBC has a short survey asking nurses who contribute as board members to explain how they are broadening the perspectives of others. Speak up!
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It Takes an Ecosystem: Complex Care Collaborative Seeks Applicants
To strengthen the complex care ecosystem in your community, says the National Center for Complex Care and Social Needs, apply for its Community Ecosystem Learning Collaborative. Assistance includes 15 months of individualized technical assistance and the opportunity to work with peer communities. Deadline: January 15.
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Are You a Nurse on a Board? Tell Us About It
Calling all registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs): have you served for at least one year on a board of directors with fiduciary responsibilities? You may be eligible to participate in a study, approved by the University of Massachusetts Boston Institutional Review Board, to test an instrument aimed at measuring the engagement of nurses on boards. Take the survey and share this message with your RN and APRN colleagues. Deadline: December 31.
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Meetings and Webinars
Meetings open to all unless otherwise noted. Follow links for details about fees and registration.
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How Will You Lead System Change in Support of Family Caregivers? - webinar
AARP. December 8, noon ET.
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Diversity: Essential for Inclusive Excellence (virtual)
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. December 2-3.
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Using the Complex Care Core Competencies
The National Center for Complex Health & Social Needs. January 27. 2–3 p.m. ET.
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Pennsylvania’s Healthcare Mosaic Conference 2021 (virtual)
Pennsylvania Action Coalition. March 1-5.
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