All Donations TRIPLE MATCHED!>> PFAW Member -- New reporting by the New York Times further confirms what we already knew: Brett Kavanaugh’s entire vetting and confirmation process to be on the Supreme Court was a SHAM. Writers for the Times corroborated sexual misconduct allegations made against Kavanaugh when he was a nominee and even uncovered a new alleged incident in the course of their investigation. Republican senators -- doing the bidding of Mitch McConnel, Donald Trump, and the Radical Right -- fought like junkyard dogs to bury documents related to Kavanaugh's record, smear Kavanaugh's accusers, and hamstring the FBI investigation into the allegations of sexual misconduct. That's an egregious corruption of their constitutional "advice and consent" role in Supreme Court confirmations and THEY MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. PFAW donors are 300% MATCHING all donations up to $25,000 in the next 48 hours to DEFEAT these Republican senators so we can flip party control of the U.S. Senate and make sure we have NO MORE KAVANAUGHS! NO MORE KAVANAUGHS! Triple your donation to TAKE BACK THE SENATE>>
Our message to Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, Thom Tillis, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, and the rest of the Trump Republicans who were so eager to rubber stamp Kavanaugh, a totally unfit liar, for the Supreme Court is simple: You’re on notice. And while we might not unseat all of you, we’re going to defeat enough of you to flip the Senate to Democratic majority control and END Trump’s and your assault on our Supreme Court, the entire Judicial Branch, and the American Way. Are you with us? Then let us 300%-MATCH your donation today to PFAW's Take Back the Senate Fund! Thank you for all you do. -- Ben Betz, Digital Advocacy Director