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Dear Members and Friends, 

If you have already sent a donation to our Annual Appeal, many thanks! If not, can you help support Audubon Society of Northern Virginia’s efforts to protect birds and other wildlife and preserve their habitat?  Please make a donation to ASNV during our 2020 Annual Appeal campaign.

Audubon Society of Northern Virginia is the primary bird and conservation-oriented organization in Northern Virginia. Thanks to financial support from our donors, we have been able to carry out our mission of conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats. Your support will enable us to continue our important work in the coming year.  Click here to read our Annual Report.

The pandemic has made it clear how important nature is to our well-being.  Area parks and open spaces experienced large increases in attendance this year, as people sought the comfort and restorative power of the natural world. ASNV has worked hard to protect and preserve these vital natural areas.  

  • We presented nearly 50 hours of in-person and on-line classes and educational programs in the last year. 
  • Our citizen science-based surveys of birds and other wildlife contributed to understanding the changes in our environment as climate change and increasing development place stresses on Northern Virginia and the rest of the planet. 
  • Our Audubon at Home program helped homeowners and property managers transform their property into natural habitat that supports birds and other wildlife. 
  • Our grants and scholarships provide financial support and incentives to schools and organizations that want to turn their property into havens supporting greater biodiversity. 

We need your support to continue this important work.  

Each of us is responsible for preserving and protecting our ecosystem.  You can do your part by making an on-line tax-deductible gift today to Audubon Society of Northern Virginia at Support ASNV. Or you can make your donation by check to:

Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
11100Wildlife Center Drive
Suite 100
Reston VA 20190  

Thank you, 

Tom Blackburn

Photo: Red-winged Blackbirds, European Starlings, Kyle Bess/Audubon Photography Awards

Copyright © 2020 Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, All rights reserved.
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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Ste. 100
Reston, VA 20190

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