The two-party system is driving America's economy into the grave via draconian lockdowns. "Big Brother" is in full force and regulating how many family members can attend a Thanksgiving dinner, what size of turkey you can buy, and if you can gather to worship.
Somehow, our so-called "leaders" have used fear-mongering and media hype to convince us to give up our basic liberties.
America needs a strong voice to stand up to these outrageous lockdowns... and Republicans and Democrats won't do it.
We need STRONG Libertarian candidates, activists, campaign professionals, and cultural figures more than ever before to win the hearts and minds of American voters.
John, yesterday was the deadline for our post-general FEC report, which we need to file by December 3. Unfortunately, it shows that there are still bills that need to be paid. I must continue raising funds to ensure all last expenses are paid for including reimbursements for Spike and staff, taxes (theft), and other campaign costs.
Campaigns don't end on Election Day.
Can I count on your help before Thanksgiving, John?