
Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of the country. And there’s a reason he’ll do anything to undermine the will of the voters: The White House is the safest place for a tax fraud and a criminal trying to escape prosecution.

But Joe Biden has said he won’t direct his Justice Department to investigate Trump. He understandably wants to move the country forward and address the critical challenges we all face.

We need to know: What do you think? Should Joe Biden direct his Justice Department to investigate and prosecute Trump for his crimes? No President is supposed to be above the law, but if Trump isn’t prosecuted for his crimes, it would send the message that he actually is above the law. We need to know for our campaigns next year: Should Trump be investigated and prosecuted for his crimes?

Trump and his cronies undermined and completely disregarded the rule of law time and time again. He broke campaign finance law when he directed his lawyer Michael Cohen to pay $130,000 in hush money, and he repeatedly obstructed justice in the Russia investigation - both of which are federal crimes. 

He egregiously misused his office for private gain and turned his presidency into a personal cash cow. Trump used his properties like the Trump Hotel in Washington and Mar-a-Lago to host lobbyists, foreign officials, and wealthy friends who paid big money to get special access and favors from the president. There’s a word for that: bribery.

But despite raking in millions from his properties, Trump only paid $750 in taxes the first year of his presidency, and literally paid no taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years. IRS penalties for fraud could cost him millions.

The Boston Globe put it this way: “Given how laden the Trump years have been with scandals and corruption, it’s been more of a crime scene than a presidency.”

John, we need to know: Should the Biden administration investigate and prosecute Trump for his crimes, or just move on and pretend nothing happened? The very legitimacy of our democracy is at stake.

-HAZMAT America 


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