Dear John,
Welcome to the first edition of the Reproaction #BadFaithMedicine Breakdown! In it, we’ll chronicle our recent activities to call out anti-abortion fake clinics and the dangerous, #BadFaithMedicine they push.
Latest updates:
You may have seen in The Daily Beast earlier this month that the doctor behind the unproven, unethical “abortion pill reversal” regimen is now serving as an “expert witness” in cases where churches, individuals, and other groups are suing to weaken restrictions on large gatherings made to decrease spread of the deadly coronavirus pandemic.
We broke down just how dangerous and how very NOT ‘pro-life’ these actions are in a video starring yours truly and a tweet thread.
This month’s webinar:

In case you missed it, Reproaction hosted a webinar, “Racism in Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics” featuring a panel of amazing experts to talk about how racism is a key driver of the fake clinic phenomenon, and what you can do to get them out of your community.
Fake clinic network of the month:
Reproaction has a top-flight team that has researched a bunch about anti-abortion fake clinics, and we always want to keep you informed about how they sow deception and stigma in our communities. If you’ve followed along, you may be familiar with the creepy and invasive anti-abortion fake clinic chain Human Coalition. Below is a run-down of some of our most shocking and hard-hitting reporting on the racism, sexism, and shady practices that Human Coalition has employed over the years:
Press: The Creepy ‘Big Data’ Crisis Pregnancy Center Group that Must Be Stopped
Blog: What’s in a Name? A Lot, If You’re A Fake Clinic Trying to Trick People
Webinar: Human Coalition’s Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics Are A Public Health Disaster
Blog: Fake Clinic Operator Acknowledges Holocaust, Says Abortion Is Worse
Blog: Fake Clinics Play the Long Game by Targeting Schoolchildren
Petition: Get Human Coalition's anti-abortion fake clinics off North Carolina's payroll!
Happy reading, and until next time,
Shireen Shakouri, Reproaction Campaign Manager, based in Washington, D.C.
Tenaja Henson, Reproaction Campaign Coordinator, based in Greensboro, North Carolina
P.S. You can read up more on the #BadFaithMedicine behind “abortion pill reversal,” fake clinics, and more on our campaign page: