Dear Transparency Advocate,
The Center for Responsive Politics — like you — is passionate about holding those in power accountable and keeping our governing system transparent. The country faced compounding crises in 2020 and we owe our deep gratitude to the medical workers, first responders, civic watchdogs and election volunteers who rose to the challenges. Thanks to support from our generous donors, CRP stayed on top of the data with the accuracy you count on and the expert analysis voters needed to understand important trends and outcomes in this consequential election year. Like everything else this year — the work isn’t over.

Today, I’m asking you to help us get the work done. 
  • Schools are still teaching virtually and CRP continues to offer “OpenSecrets University” to provide educators with online webinars about money, politics and influence. 
  • We’re covering the next round of lobbying efforts and potential conflicts of interest as Congress considers CARES Act Part ll. 
  • Lessons learned from the summer’s protests for racial equity will soon inform debate on measures for policy reform, and CRP will investigate and document new evidence like our unique dataset showing where money from police unions has flowed into Congress. 
  • OpenSecrets projected the $14 billion spent this election cycle and tracked the more than $2.2 billion spent on online ads, and created a comprehensive database to map their influence and to reveal the operators spreading misinformation online. 
In times of incredible hardship and social turmoil, OpenSecrets can be the fact-seeker and truth-teller our democracy needs – because of you. 

Counting the cash and making change is as important now as it was when CRP opened in 1983. When you become a donor of OpenSecrets you help make our data collection and investigative reporting possible. Will you invest in transparency in 2021 by making a contribution during our end-of-year campaign?
Join the fight
With heartful thanks, 

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director 
Center for Responsive Politics

P.S. Help us bring you essential post-election coverage and prepare CRP for the new year by donating to OpenSecrets. Your gift today will be matched at 100% of its value up to $5000 through NewsMatch. 
Your donation to OpenSecrets, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is tax deductible
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