
A message from our sponsor

"6 Weeks to Move Your Money"

6 weeks to move your money
While most Americans were focused on the election...

Few noticed the massive shift that began to play out in the stock market. In the biggest post-election rally in a century, stocks began to skyrocket – with the Dow, S&P, and the Nasdaq all soaring to new all-time highs. The mainstream media is thanking Joe Biden along with positive news about the COVID-19 vaccine.

But one former hedge fund manager, who has been preparing for this moment since 2015, says that stocks are soaring for a completely different reason...

And that the decisions you make in the next 6 weeks could affect your wealth for the next decade.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is one of the most widely-followed financial analysts in world... with over 500,000 people relying on his market predictions.

He gained national attention for accurately calling the rise of gold in 2003...

The top of dot-com bubble in 2000...

And the bottom of the Great Recession in 2009.

And he believes his newest prediction could decide who becomes fabulously wealthy in 2021 – and who gets left behind.

He just announced:

The clock has started on the biggest financial shift in 20 years. Fortunes will be made and lost – and you likely have weeks to decide which side you'll be on...

It all comes down to knowing what's coming, and positioning yourself, before 2020 comes to an end.

I recently sat down with Dr. Sjuggerud to get the real story about what's headed for our country's financial system... and how to position yourself before it arrives.

Including the #1 stock to buy before the end of the year.

(You'll get the name and ticker symbol, completely free.)

To watch my interview with Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, free for a limited time – click here.


Kelly Brown
Managing Director, Stansberry Research
Delivering World-Class Financial Research Since 1999

P.S. Dr. Sjuggerud's message is spreading quickly – 3 million people have already seen it.

To watch and learn how to take action on everything he recommends, before 2020 is over, click here while the video is still available.

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