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Though our tables and gatherings may be smaller for Thanksgiving this year, it's just as important to be sustainable and waste less when it comes to our food. In the spirit of the holiday, we're sharing a few of our favorite Thanksgiving-focused blog posts from years past.

Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!
- The Sustainable America team

8 Ways to Waste Less Food at Thanksgiving

Tips to Eat Smarter

Of all the food-centric holidays, Thanksgiving may be the one that truly brings out our inner glutton. We celebrate with a feast that’s so expansive, the leftovers are often anticipated as much as (if not more than) the meal itself! With all that food, of course, there’s bound to be some food waste; even those coveted leftovers get relegated to the garbage can in a day or two if they’re not eaten. Thankfully (pun intended), with a little advance planning and a few Turkey Day tactics under your apron, you can serve up a delicious, satisfying, zero-waste Thanksgiving feast.


How to Have a 100-Mile Thanksgiving

Ways to Eat Local

In the spirit of using less fuel and supporting local farms and food artisans, we challenge you to try a 100-mile Thanksgiving. A 100-mile Thanksgiving uses ingredients sourced from within 100 miles of your dinner table. Think of it as an opportunity to celebrate local food, rather than an obligation to source every last ingredient from within 100 miles.


Talking Turkey

What to Look For When Buying Your Bird

Turkey is king at the Thanksgiving table. It is the main dish that represents the entire holiday. But how to choose the best turkey? We put together a guide to the terms you might encounter when shopping for your holiday bird. 


Sustainable America on Social

"Another stellar Community Changemaker fighting #foodwaste: @brighterdaynaturalfoods! In addition to supplying locally-sourced and organic groceries, this historic market in Savannah, GA prevents food waste [cont.]"


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