News from Capital Hill
Dear Reader,This is just bizarre...
We have just uncovered perhaps the most unusual stock we've ever seen ([link removed]).
It's expected to see massive revenue in 2020 - $100 billion.
The company holds over 29,000 patents in the U.S.
It pays an enormous dividend.
And yet...
It's ultra-cheap ([link removed]) - less than $3.
Most curious of all... it trades under a secret name ([link removed]) that virtually no regular investor knows.
Alex Green, our Chief Investment Strategist, just delivered his first-ever "TEK Talk" to deliver the scoop on this company.
You've got to see it. ([link removed])[link removed] ([link removed])
What an amazing story. You won't believe it when Trump enters the fray midway through - what a shock!
See the whole thing here. ([link removed])
Good investing,
Matt BenjaminSenior Macroeconomic Analyst, The Oxford Club
P.S. A huge announcement- involving Trump, America's No. 1 tech company and $10 billion - could bring this secret $3 stock into the light. Find out what they have planned here ([link removed]).
capital hill - conservative buzz media - 2020
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