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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 24 November


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Islamic hardliner invited to address civil servants

The founder of a hardline Islamic lobbying group that has been accused of sowing division and hate has been invited to address civil servants, an investigation by The Times has discovered.

The Times (£)


Cardinal Nichols criticised for 'Mafia-esque' question-blocking during apology to abuse victims

Earlier this month the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse concluded that Cardinal Vincent Nichols, who acts as the Pope's representative in England and Wales, failed to show "personal responsibility and compassion" for victims, and instead prioritised Church reputation.

The Telegraph


‘Cardinal Vincent Nichols has failed victims of abuse and must step down’

An independent inquiry has criticised the Catholic leader's handling of sexual allegations. Those who have suffered for years say he must go.

The Times (£)


Public worship can restart in all tiers once lockdown ends

Places of worship are to reopen for public worship when the lockdown ends on 2 December, the Prime Minister has confirmed.

Church Times


Churches defy lockdown with secret meetings

According to church leaders, an increasing number of congregations are breaking the law in order to worship together, an activity banned under current restrictions.

The Guardian


Campaign to ban protesters outside Scottish abortion clinics goes national

Campaigners are calling for a ban on pro-life groups protesting outside all abortion clinics in Scotland, after setting up a petition to prevent women in Edinburgh being targeted.

Edinburgh Evening News


France demands withdrawal of "Nazi" comments by Pakistan minister Shireen Mazari

The French foreign ministry has demanded the withdrawal of comments made by Pakistan's Federal Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari on Saturday in which she accused President Emmanuel Macon of treating Muslims the way Nazis had treated Jews in the Second World War.

EU Today


Teen shoots and kills Ahmadi Muslim in Pakistan

A sixteen-year-old Muslim youth opened fire on Friday and killed a member of Pakistan's minority Ahmadi community in eastern Punjab province, police and the community's spokesman said.

Associated Press


Hindu cleric asks Brazilian clothes brand to remove image of Ganesh

Hindu cleric Rajan Zed demanded that clothes maker Jon Cotre offer an apology for "deeply trivializing" a Hindu deity.



Australia: Christian couple who thought they could make an LGBT+ child ‘overcome’ their sexuality sue foster agency that rejected them

A couple are suing a foster agency in Australia after they were turned away because of their belief that they could change an LGBT+ child's identity.

Pink News


The latest from the NSS


Temporary changes should prompt fairer school admissions, says NSS

The NSS has said temporary changes to many faith schools' admissions policies should prompt lasting change to make schools more inclusive.


We're hiring


Digital communications and engagement officer

We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital skills. The application deadline is 16 December.


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