Freedom House, Centro de Paz y Justicia, the Guernica Centre for International Justice, Acceso a la Justicia, and the Center for Human Rights at the Andres Bello Catholic University
Thursday, September 26, 2019
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Freedom House
1850 M St NW Floor 11
Washington, DC 20036
*Light refreshments will be provided*

Join Freedom House and Venezuelan human rights defenders from the Center for Human Rights at the Andres Bello Catholic University (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, CDH-UCAB), Centro de Paz y Justicia (CEPAZ), Acceso a la Justicia, and the Guernica Centre for International Justice for a panel on the systematic deterioration of human rights and rule of law in Venezuela, and how to establish transitional justice moving forward.
Opening remarks will be delivered by Deborah Ullmer, Regional Director of the Freedom House Latin America and the Caribbean Program, and the event will be moderated by Beatriz Borges, Executive Director of Centro de Paz y Justicia, an organization that promotes democratic values, human rights and culture of peace in Venezuela. Register Now!
Looking at the State of Affairs in Venezuela from an International Perspective
Pablo De Greiff (Senior Associate Advisor) and Michael Reed (Director of Governance and Operations)—Guernica Centre for International Justice, a non-profit law firm that represents the interests of victims in national and international legal proceedings. Pablo de Greiff is an expert on transitional justice, and most recently served as the first Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Guarantees of Non-recurrence (December 2012-May 2018). Michael Reed is a lawyer and journalist with over 25 years of experience in the fields of human rights, criminal justice, and humanitarian action, mainly in Latin America.
Democratic Re-institutionalization and Transitional Justice
Laura Louza—Director, Acceso a la Justicia, an organization with 8 years of committed work to the defense of justice, the rule of law, democracy, freedom and human rights in Venezuela. Laura Louza is a Venezuelan lawyer, in addition to being a researcher at the Observatory of Spanish Justice in Madrid and a consultant on judicial reform at the World Bank and the IDB.
Eduardo Trujillo Ariza—Director, CDH-UCAB, the first academic center for human rights in Venezuela that works to develop its cases through teaching, research, extension and legal accompaniment in judicial proceedings. Eduardo Trujillo Ariza is an expert in freedom of expression law, freedom of assembly law, and the rights of refugees and migrants.
Designing Transitional Justice in Venezuela
Delsa Solórzano—Representative, Venezuelan National Assembly. Delsa Solórzano is a Venezuelan lawyer and politician, and most recently served as Vice President of the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Venezuela. She has dedicated her career to the fight for human rights in Venezuela.
Important notes for our guests:
- This event is invitation-only, and invitations are nontransferable. Please bring a valid form of identification to present upon your arrival at the check-in table.
- As space is limited and there is a maximum capacity for this event, we kindly request that guests arrive 15 minutes early to allow for check in.
- This event will take place entirely in the Spanish language.