Breaking news, John: President-elect Joe Biden will appoint Janet Yellen to be the next Secretary of the Treasury.

This is a huge, groundbreaking win for America and for progressives. DFA was proud to support Yellen in her nomination as the first Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve in 2013, and we are proud to support her nomination as the first woman to lead the Treasury Department.

Now, we need to make sure it happens. We’re already hearing plenty of Republicans — and even some Democrats — arguing that Biden must choose people that only a Mitch McConnell-controlled Senate would approve of.

Biden should not capitulate or allow McConnell to dictate who can serve in his Cabinet. He won the presidency in an overwhelming electoral and popular vote landslide, so he must build an administration to meet the needs that this moment and the American people clearly demand.

If McConnell chooses to block the new president from filling his Cabinet, President-elect Biden should use the Vacancy Act, recess appointments, and every power available to him to overcome McConnell’s obstruction and fill his Cabinet with people like Janet Yellen who will deliver the change we need. Add your name to our petition if you agree >>


President-elect Joe Biden won the presidency in an overwhelming electoral and popular vote landslide. Over 79 millions voted clearly and resoundingly for change. So he must build an administration that answers that call.

Janet Yellen's historic appointment to be the next Secretary of the Treasury is an enormous step in the right direction.

So if Mitch McConnell plans to prevent the duly-elected next president from building his own team to lead the country, Biden must use every tool at his disposal to get the team he – and this country — needs to deliver meaningful change.

Add your name to our petition now calling for President-elect Joe Biden to use every tool at his disposal to fill his Cabinet with people like Janet Yellen — regardless of what Mitch McConnell thinks >>


After an overwhelming electoral and popular vote victory, we can't let our government be held captive by Mitch McConnell. Thank you for raising your voice today.

— Charles

Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America