These deportations are in DIRECT violation of federal and intl. law »

John: As I write to you, 28 children and their parents are still at high risk of being deported any day now.

These families came to the U.S. fleeing for their lives, but none of them had the chance to pursue their asylum claims while detained. This is in DIRECT violation of federal and international law.

We’ve been working with their lawyers and coalition partners to take urgent action — and what happens in the next few days is critical.

Please take immediate action to halt these deportations.

We have shown we CAN stop deportations and free families from detention, but only if we fight back during critical moments like this. Thank you.

— Denise

John — we just received a dire update about families in ICE detention:

Twenty-eight children and their parents are facing imminent deportation.

Amnesty is part of a broad coalition working closely with the families’ lawyers to stop these deportations. Together, we’re amplifying the voices of these families and driving attention to ICE’s cruel treatment of these children and their parents. Act Now: Demand ICE stop these deportations and free families immediately.

Here’s what we know, John: the Trump administration is barreling ahead with attempts to remove detained asylum-seekers from the U.S. at all costs... and they will stop at nothing before January 20, 2021. We must fight tooth-and-nail to protect these children and their parents from being sent back to danger.

ICE has the power to stop this injustice, but only if we ramp up public pressure on it before this irreversible damage is done.

The clock is ticking: these 28 children and their parents, many of whom have been detained for a year-and-a-half, face deportation without ever having had the chance to seek asylum, in direct violation of federal and international law. They will be sent back to danger if they are returned to their countries of origin.

It may seem like an impossible feat, but time after time we have shown we CAN stop a deportation — just a couple of months ago, when Amnesty learned asylum-seeker Steven Tendo would be deported back to Uganda, we sprang into action with coalition partners and drove thousands of calls and emails to ICE — and together, we were able to help get ICE to temporarily suspend his deportation. With support from our activists like you, and the relentless advocacy of these families’ lawyers, we have also freed children and parents from detention altogether, including Ana* and Victoria*, Karla* and Katherine*, and Marilin* and Yunior* just this year.

Now, we must fight for these 28 children and their families. Please, help us flood the inboxes of ICE leadership and stop the deportations of these children and their families.

Thank you for your activism — we will be in touch in the coming days with more news on how to stay involved in the fight to protect these families from deportation and free all families from detention.


Denise Bell
Researcher, Refugee and Migrant Rights
Amnesty International USA

P.S. These deportations are one of the gravest threats to families in ICE detention that we have seen during this administration. Seeking asylum is a HUMAN RIGHT. Please, urge ICE to stop the deportations of these 28 children and their parents and free all families immediately.

*Names are pseudonyms to protect the safety of these children and their parents

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