I am thankful and deeply humbled to have earned your trust and return to Congress as your representative. I look forward to working for the citizens of the 6th Congressional District for the next two years!

Our win here in the Sixth District was emblematic of the Republican successes across the country as Nancy Pelosi's "Blue Wave" was barely a trickle. As of today, Republicans have picked up 8 seats in the House, and not a single Republican incumbent has lost their seat!

However this fight isn't over. President Donald Trump is fighting in the courts for free and fair elections, and I support his efforts to make sure every legal vote and only legal votes are counted. I am confident that once all the evidence is presented, our nation's courts will render fair and impartial decisions in which the American people can have confidence.

The fight continues as well for the Senate. Despite the completely inaccurate polls, many GOP incumbents won decisive victories. However the majority will come down to two run-off races in Georgia to be held Jan. 5th.

The importance of these races cannot be overstated. If Democrats win both seats, Kamala Harris will have the tie-breaking vote in a 50-50 Senate. You can be assured that a unified Democrat government will pack the Supreme Court, will make Washington D.C. a state, and will pass the Green New Deal along with the rest of their radical, destructive agenda.

I will be donating to Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue's campaigns help keep the Senate and hope you will too. Democrat money will be pouring in from across the country to flip these seats, we can't afford to let that happen. Please consider donating by clicking here.
Your Friend,
Ben Cline