What President-elect Biden should do about Hong Kong
On November 11, four moderate, prodemocracy members of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council were disqualified under a new law permitting their expulsion for insufficient loyalty to Beijing. This was only the latest salvo in an ongoing assault on the fundamental rights of the people of Hong Kong.
As Annie Boyajian, our director of advocacy, wrote in the xxxxxx this week, the US-China relationship is one of the most consequential and complex that President-elect Biden will need to navigate. There remains strong bipartisan support in Congress for standing with the Hong Kong protesters and condemning human rights violations on China’s mainland, as well as for protecting American institutions from the malign influence campaigns of the Chinese Communist Party.
There are a number of actions the Biden administration should take. They include:
- Vocally condemning rights violations in Hong Kong and on the mainland, and meeting with democracy advocates and victims of persecution.
- Filling key positions with individuals who have historically supported human rights in China and who understand Beijing’s global influence operations.
- Using and updating existing law to welcome Hong Kongers and Hong Kong based–businesses seeking to relocate to the United States.
- Ensuring that every meeting between American and Chinese officials includes discussion of human rights concerns.
Read more detail on these recommendations in the xxxxxx.

For more information about the situation in Hong Kong, please find this extended interview with Hong Kong prodemocracy leader Nathan Law from Freedom House’s annual awards dinner this fall. “Hong Kong is at the forefront of authoritarianism and democratic values,” said Law. “We’ve been talking about the recession of democracy for decades. [We need to] help the people on the ground who are fighting for democracy and their own lives.”
And please support Freedom House’s work as we stand with the people of Hong Kong.
#StandWithHongKong |